Clueless American "Jews" cannot figure out why a Redemption is needed

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Sujet : Clueless American "Jews" cannot figure out why a Redemption is needed
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 19. Jun 2024, 14:57:59
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4ukkm$1vk6d$>
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
title: What Game Is MASHIACH Playing??? Chanukah 2021
source: The Gates Of Mordehay

(Listened until 18:15) This is exactly what the Jesus people believe. You
are part of them. What is wrong with this world ?! If you still need to
ask that, I guess it has already become hopeless.

It doesn't bother you how America has destroyed Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan,
how there are death squads killing innocent people while you sleep
? It doesn't bother you the big banks print money for themselves ? The
homelessness in USA doesn't bother you ? The Tyranny now seemingly raging
in Turkey doesn't bother you ? The Tyranny in the USA doesn't bother
you ? Yes Tyranny, you already live in a Tyranny, but because you don't
oppose it, the Tyrants haven't cared to get to you yet. USA is a global
Empire, and their treatment of Julian Assange already tipped the line so
that we are in a Tyranny. The criminals who set up the European Union,
it doesn't bother you ? Nazis in Ukraine, it doesn't bother you ? People
live their lives as slaves, nobody has free land as they all should
have, it doesn't bother you ? Another World war is coming, it doesn't
bother you ? Health care is very corrupt, it doesn't bother you ? The
environment is going to hell, and this civilization will soon follow,
as they always do, it doesn't bother you ?!

"Oh but we will be magically changed in a second, we will become nice
people all of a sudden". That's what the Jesus people believe. I can't
believe there are Jewish people who are this confused, and who care
this little about other people and the future. Don't you know that
when the madmen of power start printing money like crazy, it will end
in war and Tyranny ? "But we want a connection with god". Clueless,
completely clueless ! Look around you, how many Americans are now on
this unhappiness pills, and it doesn't even work, it is all more sickness
? How many suicides ? You don't care ? Why should your God care about you,
if you care about nobody else ?


[Added on Usenet: like "the autists" said, it is probably wise to get
out of the USA immediately. There is a reason heaven runs punishment
cycles upon the Jewish people.

Nazis in Ukraine: under the criminal Barack - the anti-christ - Obama,
the USA ran a bloody coup in Ukraine, using Nazis as part of their power
games. Nazis, open and self admitted Nazis who idolize Hitler, Adolf
Hitler, the one with the moustage. Get it ? This is perfectly in
character and expected from America, who also financed the original
Hitler. Something they "forgot" to tell most of you.

It was also these Nazis who where instrumental in setting up the E.U.,
which is a system designed to end democracy in Europe, and entrench the
USA infiltration and control over their mid/western European conquests.
Fools who follow the media even think, because the mass media spoon fed
it to them and they have no mind to resist anything, that the E.U. is a
counter force to the USA. I have to say that the enemy runs their
propaganda with perfection. They are true masters in the art of lying.
The USA is the Empire of lies, and the master of lying. I don't think
there is anyone anywhere close to their mastery of the art of lying.
The main marker for that is that they succeed in controlling the minds
of the masses, and to the degree they do not succeed, they manage to
stay on top usually anyway. The war against Russia, an American war
again, is also designed to make sure the E.U. does *not* fall apart, but
rather solidifies itself. They need to keep it together for as long as
it takes for the generations who are used to living in somewhat
democratic Nation states, to simply have died out. The young generations
have no clue what even this half democracy is supposed to mean, and
therefore they cannot resist and do not even notice the collapse of
their rights in the E.U. system. They don't know what to do about it. By
the time they get serious about things, it is already past World war 3
and we may be in a full blown Tyranny where criminals act as Judges and
people who complain disappear into death camps or "extremely unlucky
accidents" (cough cough, being murdered). The rest will be kept in line
by their greed and fear. Well, that's the plan anyway, as usual it is
always the same plan, so it is not like you had needed to look that up.
Criminals have always the same plan, and if you don't know what plan
that is, I guess you don't have a clue about what planet you are on

POWER AND MONEY, ok ? Getting on top, having people bow to you, ruling
with fear and violence, having an extreme amount of personal luxury,
being able to do whatever the hell you want, being treated with awe and
respect by everyone. This is their life dream. It is the dream of a
baboon. They are baboons with nukes, so to say, but probably worse.

Why do I even bother to write to clueless people who don't seem to care.
The media sometimes doesn't tell the truth ? It is a full out criminal
operation in the end, with a maniacal goal of Tyranny on Earth, and
creating World War 3 out of nothing. Russia had no interest in World War
3, but the Americans who are in control over the mass media - which is
the criminal super rich - forced them. Certainly there are a lot of
gangsters in Russia, but it wasn't them who started this again. They may
have been bankrolled (probably Putin is working for the gang), but
Russia as an Empire or even ruling class, on its own, would not have
done this. They poke the bear, and when the bear acts, or even when it
doesn't, they create war propaganda in the west around it, to create the
hate necessary to have a world war. It is a war about nothing. This
operation was already a success, so it can very likely not be turned
around anymore. World War 3 will happen, thanks to the owners of the
mass media. This is not about some minor lying anymore. This is full out
top level crime as it exists on Earth. There are no greater crimes than
this. This is likely worse than Hitler. The mass media is worse than
Hitler, get it ? You worship them by believing and following them,
worship organized crime of the worst kind, and then you wonder why we
need a Redemption.

You will know when the nukes fall on your faces, ok ? Perhaps then you
will understand something isn't quite right.]

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
19 Jun 24 o Clueless American "Jews" cannot figure out why a Redemption is needed1Jos Boersema

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