Shocking new Torah law breaking, calling itself "Open Orthodox"

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Sujet : Shocking new Torah law breaking, calling itself "Open Orthodox"
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 23. Jun 2024, 09:46:40
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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title:  Martin Luther King Day at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale (OO's flagship synagogue)
source: Why Open Orthodoxy Is Not Orthodox

Wasn't it about understanding the law, and hearing about history ?
"Whore ship" what ? Dancing before their meaningless idols is what they
mean. They apparently have an idolator to Jeebus the Bastard leading
them. Jeebus the Bastard being idolized in a Synagogue. However, the
Jewish people all caused it themselves. They are themselves the ones who
started it, with Hillel the Elder, the lawless snake with the friendly
face, destroying the Torah and the rights of the poor. You have created
this whole system around Jeebus the Bastard, in more than one way. It is
your own corruption staring back at you, just colored slightly different
so that you know it is not you. It is others behaving like you. This
helps you see the truth of it, I guess ? Just like Jeebus the Bastard is
fake, so is Hillel the Elder a fake.

title: Novominsker Rebbe Denounces HIR for Wishing "Mazel Tov" Upon Same-Sex
source: Why Open Orthodoxy Is Not Orthodox

   Reply ...

Yes, but the same is true for you so-called Orthodox. It is interesting
how there is always seeminghly cute and friendly arguments given, for why
you should become bad, just as the snak in the garden of Eden talking to
Eve. Just a friendly advice, they where to become gods. Steal the apple,
it's fine. Thieving is lying is war, and apparently the misery which
resulted is still going on.

You did the same with Hillel the Elder, who supposedly was another
friendly snake. You liked him, because he was so friendly. He said: let's
get rid of the Torah debt nullification in the 7th year (Shmittah),
with the _prosbul_ so that the rich will lend again to the poor,
and call it _beautiful._ This is why you are not Orthodox, also the
so-called Ultra-Orthodox, no matter how long your peyot, but you are
already yourselves reformers of the Torah, just like this so-called
"Open Orthodox" group mentioned in the video, unless you reject traitors
like *Hillel the Elder* with his _prosbul,_ and *Maimonides* / *Rambam*
with his _heter iska._

Perhaps this is why you get cursed with more and more corruption from
within. There is nothing friendly about denying the poor their debt
nullification and neglecting to punish the rich to lend to the poor, even
shortly before the Shmittah. It hurts them, for obvious reasons. It is
also theft, just like the _soft fruit_ was stolen by Eve from Hashem. This
money lended to the poor, becomes owned by Hashem so to say, when the
Shmittah starts and the conditions for nullification have been met (the
poor person cannot reasonably pay back, and is Jewish, is my guess are
those conditions). It is stealing, all over again. It rips the Nation
apart into strife, the rich become ever richer, the poor become their
slaves. It is not difficult to see the truth in these Torah laws.

Similarly with the gay problem. Marriage is to have children, and give
them the safety of having both a dedicated mother and father. Two guys in
a house, is just two guys in a house, nothing more. If they lived without
"laying with a man as with a woman", it would just be like two miners
sleeping in the mine baracks, or soldiers needing a short rest under
a tree. They make it into something bad by being addicted to certain
activities. I also believe that this homosexual behavior creates a fear
in people not so afflicted, that they are dealing with afflicted people
when they want to make friends, and this creates a barrier to making
friends. There is also the problem that men should become friendly
and peaceful, but homosexuals make their behavior female, and in the
confusion they create, men find themselves pushed into the opposite and
start displaying overly monkey like rough behavior to make sure nobody
beliefs they are afflicted with this homosexuality psychological problem /
addiction. This can cause a macho culture to come about, as a reaction
to the homosexual men their misplaced female like behavior. The macho
culture is one of violence and can even lead to war. The homosexuals
themselves deny themselves the best part of life, which is to have a
family, and in that sense they hurt themselves the most, although you
could argue that this is their own problem.

Really though, I think the whole thing is one big distraction, a wedge
issue created so that people stop caring about Government corruption
and war. Also in that sense, the homosexuals are a tool for the super
rich criminals. There are also likely goals of further breaking up the
family and the natural bonds within the family, so that the criminals of
money can create different ways of living where people care less about
each other (not more, but less), for example by creating children and
then giving them to an homosexual couple, being denied either their real
mother or father by design rather than unhappy accident. An accident is an
accident, but by design it becomes a misdeed. All this weakens the bonds
of care between the people, more misery and _less love_ rather than more,
so that the criminals of power may inject their own dictatorial designs
upon the people with greater ease.  Since you yourselves already rejected
the Torah by going along with Hillel the Elder, therefore Jeebus the
Bastard becomes your messiah, in a proverbial sense: the lawless one,
who pretends to be friendly. Now you just see more and more corruption,
because you didn't yourselves hold the line. You yourselves already broke
down the standing of the Torah with your _prosbul,_ after that who is to
stop others to do the same ? You need to do Teshuvah back to the Torah:
break with Hillel, break with Rambam (and his Loshon Hara - bad speech,
gossip - against moshiach blaming him to be tarrying), demand the Jubilee
on land where possible, overthrow the Lamp of Helena Sun disk idolatry
at the 2nd Temple, and also forbid working on the Shabbos evening because
it is a whole day of rest and not a half day of rest.

This is some of your own corruptions over time, there may be more. You
are also idolatrous toward your so-called sages and rebbes, when you
should have known better. The Torah is not in heaven, it is clear, you
can understand it, it is a written law. If you continue to be obstinate
with the Torah (!), the curses will likely come into effect again:
7 times every time. You have been warned in advance, and shown a way
out. Deal with your hard neck, and stop spreading the corruption of
Hillel the Elder and Rambam.

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Date Sujet#  Auteur
23 Jun 24 o Shocking new Torah law breaking, calling itself "Open Orthodox"1Jos Boersema

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