The Rabbis have cancelled the Redemption, prepare for 2nd holocaust

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Sujet : The Rabbis have cancelled the Redemption, prepare for 2nd holocaust
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 24. Jun 2024, 17:30:15
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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title: Is the Jewish Year 6000 (2239) the Deadline for Moshiach?
source: Jewish Learning Institute
The question isn't if or when "moshiach will come", the question is: "when
will _Israel_ finally come back to the Torah". You Israel¹ put the thing
on someone else, so that the problem is not on you. As if you Israel are
doing a good job. You are _not doing a good job._ You Israel failed. The
punishments will continue & get worse, 7 times each round. Last time
was the Nazis, the next time will be 7 times worse. Also on the matter
of the year count, what is given as the year count is arbitrary. The
Rabbis arbitrarily made it up at some point, despite the Torah saying
repeatedly: 430 years in Egypt. There is another explanation for the
genealogy problem, which was argued by some people in a (at least to me)
convincing way. Also notice how Corona lockdown occured on the year 6
000. We are already passed the year 6 000 now, by about 4 years.

Time is running out for your Teshuvah. You have not done Teshuvah as a
Nation before the year 6 000. 'Moshiach' is not the problem, moshiach
is ready _today_ but you are not showing up for the Redemption. You
have cancelled the Redemption, at least for now. The cost will become
very grave, unless of course, you repent _today_ from things like the
*prosbul* and from following Rambam / Maimonides with his deceptions
such as the _heter iska_ and blaming 'moshiach' for _tarrying._

You cannot deal with this comment, isn't that true ? This is why you
cannot be Redeemed. You are yourselves the ones who are *not showing
up,* doing all the tarrying and the delays, causing all the trouble. The
Rabbis have blocked the Redemption, the cost will be unbelievably bad,
unless they do Teshuvah before the next round of punishment has happened.

I do not think there is a chance on that anymore now, so I guess,
start digging a hole and hope you survive it, but the chances are
low. I computed _your_ Torah for you, and we know how bad it has already
become in many times in history, so this is what it says, that is all. I
didn't write that (although I see reasons for why this will occur the
criminals do not want the Torah on Earth), I merely interpret it for
you. Israel failed. There is no Redemption for this failure of a Nation
called Israel. Fail, fail fail. Hard necked, idolatrous to "sages", law
breaking, cowardly rather than like Moshe Rabbeinu, etc. Also though:
better than most if not all other Nations. Sadly not good enough yet.

On the whole, if Earth is like an exam and most Nations need to score a
6 out of 10 to pass, then if Israel is a 4 and the next best Nation is
a 3, you may feel you are doing good because you are better, but in the
end: everyone fails, everyone dies, there is no future for this mess
this way. You need to work it up until you pass or someone else does,
or humanity is pretty much at the end. The throwing stone became an
intercontinental ballistic missile with 10 or more nuclear warheads
on it plus decoys, and the Earth just cannot deal with this kind of
violence anymore. It's over, the whole run from back in the stone age
until now, it reached its ultimate, but still they act like monkeys. If
the choice is to act like monkeys with nukes, then this world will belong
to the monkeys and humanity will die out because of its own monkeying
around. This is how serious it is.

Forget about all this Kabbalahblablah, mysticism and the rest. What does
"ohhh the Sefiroth the Sefiroth sayeth the man with the long beard" mean,
compared to a huge city being blown up by half a dozen nukes. Reality, ok
? Deal with reality. The Jubilee on land is reality, nullifying the debt
is reality. What does *debt* have to do with *war* ? Look at world war
2, and you see how failing economics led to that war and the holocoust
(Versaille treaty, years 1924, 1929, 1933, 1939 in western counting,
these numbers do not even need to be commented upon). Historians seem
to agree: the war was caused by the economic crisis. The people get
angry, they start voting for Fascists, and the ruling class wants war
to destroy the poor. It is a perfect harmony of stupidity and evil.
It is happening again, except on a greater scale, and with even more
powerful technology in the hands of the criminals.

1. "You [Israel]", meaning it is addressed to Israel as a Nation,
   certainly not to anyone appearing in a video - and this is usually true
   of all my comments. I don't know these individuals, for all I know
   they are the best people in the world, and 100 times better than me.
   They are however part of Israel, and constantly you see them
   repeating Rabbinical opinions, and never I see them campaign for the
   Jubilee on land, or making it crystal clear how they do not belong to
   the Reformers or the contra-Revutionaries against Moshe Rabbeinu such
   as ... all of them ... (from Ultra-Orthodox to "Reform" and seculars)
   because they reject an obvious fraud such as the prosbul. The highest
   point of the Torah seems to be the people who diverted themselves
   with the Shulchan Aruch, which is already a contra-Revolution against
   the Torah, and the rest just cares even less.

   Seculars generally don't have an opinion on the issue of debt anyway,
   or the issue of land ownership (exceptions noted, the land reform
   movement in the broadest sense, which seems to be politically dead at
   this point, only to live on in minor initiatives), and I don't know any
   Nation their secular laws having something like a Shmittah on loans for
   the poor, or an obligation to lend to them if they are in need and you
   are not (I suppose, this is not a debate on the details of the practice
   of it, but only on the principle itself, which is part of the Torah).

P.S. [Continuing on Usenet.]

So, the Rabbis have decided to cancel the Redemption, and block it
alltogether. There certainly are Rabbis who say that the problem is
Israel and not 'moshiach', and that seems to be how it is. Nevertheless,
not one of them seems to react to the need to overthrow Hillel the Elder
and Maimonides / Rambam. They do not want to get rid of "their sins",
which are now codified as law, by (probably among others) the two
aforementioned "sages". "Sins" (criminal activity), as defined by the
Torah, has now been elevated to the standing of law, and not just some
bylaws of some weird club on the fringes, but by the most supposed
"Orthodox", and this has already been going on for thousands of years.

If they cannot see such an obvious problem and obvious lie, if they do
not want to undo this lying and fraudulent behavior (a combination of
heart and mind), or at least admit that this is not the Torah (at least
the honesty and mind to see and admit the truth, without necessarily
changing it immediately or at all), then I don't see anyone who deserves
any better than the crazy mess they are living in already, or who is
even capable of living in anything better.

Let's say you are dealing with a group of unruly children, who for some
reason have the habbit of setting each other on fire with a bunch of
lighters. Everything has been attempted to stop them doing it, but even
at the best of times, something is burning at least once an hour. Are
you going to take these people on an balloon trip, or a long voyage in a
wooden boat ? The simple rafts they can put together are all they are
worthy to be on, because these rafts are all the way wet and will not
burn. If you take them unto a wooden boat, with all the ropes and sails
and tar to keep the hull tight, it is probably a matter of time before
that ship is reduced to a pile of logs floating on the sea, from which
they might bind together a simple raft as they already had. That simple
raft will not go far, or if it goes far they all die along the way, but
they cannot be put on a boat because they will burn it down sooner or

That is more or less the situation with the prosbul and the heter iska.
While these may not be a huge fire by themselves, the dishonesty and the
greed from which the prosbul and the heter iska are made are a small
fire which will set a greater fire of Plutocracy down the line, as well
as a general sense of not caring about good laws anyway, which is like
adding fuel to the fire.

Stop with the prosbul.

Stop with the heter iska.

Ask for-, support and demand the right to free land for all, or just do
it if you can.

Stop gossiping about other people. Be nice to people, especially good

Be understanding of the needs of others, as you are of your own.

Help and care for other people.

Stop worshiping the rich, stop worshiping some useless idols.

Care for the truth.

If you did that in the current environment, or specifically even because
I (undersigned) asked you to, and all you have to do is open your eyes
and the Redemption door just opened in front of you. You still have to
walk through that door and make it work, but at least you may have a
chance in succeeding.

If you lack the honesty, brain or care for other people to do things
like this, or stand against a majority supporting evil, then if you find
ourself in Israel in a Redeemed State, you might be there, but in the
role of sand on the machine (so to speak), a small fire waiting to break
out in a bigger fire of selfishness, social bickering and chaos,
Plutocracy and then a return to the exile - like aforementioned boat
breaks apart and becomes a raft no better than they can build

The honesty, the mind, the brains.
The caring, the heart, the kindness.

These two are lacking. The prosbul is a fraud, says the honest mind. The
prosbul is uncaring and an evil upon the poor whose rights and needs are
being violated, says the kind heart. We shall break this lie and do
better, say the hands of Justice.

There is nothing more to say. It is the same thing over and over. It
merely is filling up the time, until the next round of punishment, 7
times worse than the Nazi holocaust. Since the Rabbis are guilty of
creating this second holocaust, their thing will probably disappear to a
lesser or greater degree. Perhaps that is why they are afraid of the
Redemption, because it is the end of their easy money making. The longer
they push off the truth however, the more guilty they become, and the
worse the accusations and anger against them. They think they can
weather it, presumably, because what do we simple people even know. From
day to day it is easier to follow in with the rest, even if you ruin
yourselves in the long term. The harsher the accusations however, the
deeper the humilitation, the greater the honor of those who still return
to the truth and accept the seeming dishoner upon themselves, which is
really a crown.

I guess the autists already said it (, the Rabbis will not
support the Redemption, and there seem to be many sources or at least
warnings that the Rabbis in the end will be the Erev Rav (those who
oppose the Torah secretly, misleading Israel). Everyone is on their own
to choose the truth, and seemingly the whole world is against you - just
as the great heroes faced up to it and won: Abraham and Moshe Rabbeinu,
and even others too.

It seems fearfull that there will be another worse holocaust, and that
these words here will seem to not cover the amount of bravery and fear
you need to have to stand for the truth, because nowadays it is easy as
nothing to have an opinion in every which way - including if you live in
the Western Vassal system of the USA (which includes the so-called
European Union) and just say that you think Putin is a great guy and
Russia is better than the USA (which is not my opinion, but some do have
that as their opinion), and nothing at all will happen to you. Nobody
cares, while in the past if you had said things like this during a war
or on the brink of a greater war, you might suffer a severe punishment
as a traitor. You might even be shot at times, to death. Nowadays;
whatever you say, nobody cares.

The more Israel blocks and delays the Redemption by not doing Teshuvah
for the prosbul, the more likely the anger will rise. We already see the
rise in "anti-semitism", random hatred for Jewish people, or Edomites
(basic westerners) being stocked to hate by the propaganda, never mind
the Amelekites (carreer criminals and the like) who hate by definition
because they hate peace and prefer an eternal war of all against all,
like animals. This easy time to do the Redemption it seems, will slowly
but surely give rise to a condition of fear, to the point you can just
forget about even suggesting you oppose the prosbul of Hillel the Elder,
because if anyone found out you are Jewish in some sort of way, that
could be a one way trip to the death camp for you (assuming an analogy
with the Nazi holocaust in the future, which is quite possible to happen

Remember the Japanese where put in internment camps in the USA, just in
case ? The USA did not mass murder them, but they had the power to do it
if they had so wished. They could also do that in a deniable way, like
for example release a disease in the camp(s), and pretend to help while
actually killing almost anyone. Who would care ? Who would know ? There
are many ways to pretend to do good, while you are doing evil, and the
Nazis did the same: the death camps where just Jewish people having a
good time on holiday. You notice how the USA has nearly exterminated the
native indians, by pressing them into low quality corners of the land ?
The Native indians are dying out, they are saying it themselves
(although they will hopefully not die out, as their visionaries already
told them, but they suffer a massive 'holocaust' of their own, right now
in this supposedly civilized USA Empire). Blacks in the USA complain a
lot, but it is the Native Indians who suffer the worst, despite all
their valuable advice and wisdom which they tried to give to the
Europeans visiting there.

You cannot trust this Empire of lies, the USA, who also financed Hitler,
and those who did that rose to the greatest power in the USA, such as
the Bush crime family, and for example company IBM, famous for helping
the Nazis tattoo numbers on Jewish prisoners. This is not a side show in
the dark corners of the USA. These criminals are at the heart of power,
the light the fire of power and point it where they wish.

Is it an accident that Jewishness in the USA is the most lawless it has
ever been ? It can be doubted. Even that may be a scheme to get rid of
the Torah in the end, an overload of materialism, to push out the deeper
sense of Justice & peace, of caring for each other.

You have been warned, and shown a way out, well in time, even though you
Israel, are wasting this time, day by day. The Rabbis blocked the
Redemption, apparently lacking the basic honesty to admit the prosbul
was a lie, and to save their people from it. Had they done so,
especially also having the honesty that I undersigned alerted them to
it, or alterted the first one of them to it - who then should have
warned the others of all the lying in a book like the Shulchan Aruch -
then the Redemption would probably start right there already, because
they would find my proposals and read them and then hopefully do what
they agree with and want to do - which could in theory be a lot or even
everything. After that, nothing might ever be the same (which you might
know, if you read that proposal; if not, then this might sound over the
top, but you won't know what it is about and so you cannot judge that).

It really seems to be that simple. Repent from the prosbul, after which
you think: wait a minute, who was this person who caused me to humble
myself before HKB'H and return to the truth ? Boom, the Redemption
happens, because it is a Sovereign Revolution. Literally it easily goes
as far as Israel no longer having a Knesset, and the flag might also
change, the borders may change, the laws will change - although not all
of them, and not necessarily either. It's not merely something like
"from now on we will be nice" or something seemingly amazing but
practically meaningless (because it has been said already, and that's
not really going to be enough to achieve anything).

From there, Revolutions may be sparked in many Nations, and if not
Revolutions than reform movements which could be slowly building up
their morality and their influence. Before a hundred years is over,
several more Nations could have come completely to the side of Israel,
and conduct similar laws, including the right to land for all. It will
just turn out to be better to live a life of Justice and peace under
reasonable law and power to all, than the usual Plutocracy and criminal
rule, with their greed, Empires and lying propaganda.

It's not a theory, it's not a fairy tale. It can and should happen.
Probably it won't be too disimilar to other Revolutionary periods, but
on the other hand, it might make the final push in the right direction.
Since it also contains the necessary methods and organizations / goals
to redo Revolutions and Nations once they unfortunately started to
become corrupt again, it becomes its own never ending process. I think
all in all, it will get much harder for the organized criminals to still
build their Empires of greed again, and to cause great wars again. It
makes life easier for good people, and worse for bad people. If you
don't know the details, you won't understand how I can write this. It's
not a list of tentative goals, but a computation of what should result
from the given proposal when it gets done to at least some level.

I have to say though, that despite the model its strength against abuse
being as high as I could possibly imagine it, I don't know exactly how
great the damage from misbehaving people in the system is going to be,
and how many misbehaving or sub-optimal behaving people there will
ultimately be. If you give people power, they may abuse it. If you take
people their power away, they may be disciplined on the one hand, but
also be enslaved and ruled by criminal tyrants on the other hand. This
system opens up people to freedom, and to an amount of responsibility.

You could argue that this is not possible, and that might be true, but
alas: time is up. If you haven't become a decent human being yet, you
might no longer have the ability to live on Earth at all, because your
abusive nature does not mix with technology such as nuclear bombs and
other dangerous technologies which humanity will have. You cannot have
it both ways: be a misbehaving monkey, *and* have nuclear bombs and
worse. Something has to give.

I suggest you choose peace, before you kill yourselves.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
24 Jun 24 o The Rabbis have cancelled the Redemption, prepare for 2nd holocaust1Jos Boersema

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