Will the tears be streaming uncontrollably from your face, because you refuse now ?

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Sujet : Will the tears be streaming uncontrollably from your face, because you refuse now ?
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* market.socialism.nl (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 24. Jun 2024, 20:46:53
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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title: Why is Christianity the World's Largest Religion? It's Not What You Think~ Rabbi Tovia Singer
source: Rabbi Tovia Singer
links: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XuzK5unCZxA

Here Rabbi Tovia Singer (Who seems to be a nice and smart person, if you
thought I have any personal beef with any of these people, you are
quite wrong. I warn and rave and rant "against them", becaues I like
them. I try to help them and get everyone out of this big mess we are
all in ...) says that Judaism and the religion of "Yoshke" (interviewer)
are opposites, and that the [Jeebus the Bastard] system is so succesful
because it prays on the lack of self esteem of people. The Torah is
God's succesful attempt to make man in his image, and the [Jeebus the Bastard]
(my current favorite name for the false religion from Rome, lol) system
is man's succesful attempt to create god in their image.

While that may be true to a greater or lesser extend: Israel is in
exile, and the Torah is not succesful at this point, not even in Israel
(Nation), not in Eretz Yisroel (land of Israel) or a small minority
within Israel, with the exception of miniscule amounts of people, so few
they are unable to make much of an impression on the map or get close to

   Reply ...

You assume that Rabbinical Judaism is the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu, and
while that may be true in large part, you shifted Hillel the Elder and
now even Rambam / Maimonides in between the Torah and yourselves. You
have created a false 'moshiach' with Hillel the Elder, who is guilty
over the _prosbul,_ which overthrows the 7th year Shmittah on loans. You
are now cursed with the same: the Jeebus the Bastard religion from
Rome, lording over you and assaulting you with the accusation: _Your
'messiah' is Jeebus the Bastard._ He is as a curse, because you put
Hillel the Elder above Moshe Rabbeinu and HKB'H. You yourselves created
indirectly this religion about Jeebus the Bastard, you created the mold
for it, and it came back to you in an echo from Rome. Your religion is
to Hillel the Elder who is a traitor and a snake, and the echo of that
is the Jeebus the Bastard religion, who is also a traitor and a snake
(although, did not even exist).

You pretend that you are opposites, and though that is partially true,
it is not true enough. The Jeebus the Bastard religion is a curse for
your law breaking with the prosbul, and perhaps also your law breaking
with the Lamp of Helena Sun disk idolatry in the 2nd Temple. Since you
are just making it worse and worse over time, with Rambam/Maimonides and
his heter iska lies now - despite the warnings Islam gave you about your
fraudulent anti-Torah financial "Oral Tradition" fake authority laws,
and even the Jeebus people have accused you correctly about your greedy
loans problem, although they seem to usually do it in a rough and not
very precise way - it only becomes more and more true over time. More and
more you serve the rich and destroy the Torah law which keeps these people
in line. You refuse to do Teshuvah, and throw Hillel and Rambam out.

Therefore you belong in the exile, and there will not be a Redemption
soon. The Redemption has been cancelled by the Rabbis, for now. As has
been said though, and I at least agree with that: Redemption, now or
never (now as in, this generation or so), because of the crazy level of
technology. Evil on Earth cannot continue this way. The twin thought to
"now or never" is ... ? Well, I don't know, but I made this up: "with
or without you". The Redemption will eventually be, because there is no
choice. The waiting is on Israel.

Eventually however: Redemption with or without many if not the vast
majority of Israel, or everything becomes an even greatter mess than
it already is. It is ultimately in the hands of HKB'H, to do it and
determine how and when, and how many Jewish persons will become the
Redemption. Clearly, the vast majority has already been consigned to
death by the hard necked Rabbis, who are blocking the Teshuvah on some
points and possibly the major Redemption already for many years. You
however determine what you personally can be and where you will end up,
by your own choices. Now or never ? With or without you ! Do Teshuvah
and just stop lying. A child could do it, but Israel ? Not even in a
thousand years. The Jeebus fakers ? Who is even asking them anything,
that is just completely hopeless.

You be the Lamp to the Nations, but a Lamp which gives no light, is
rather useless. The Menorah became overshadowed by the light of the Sun,
so to say. Re-instate the Jubilee on land also, or do all you can to make
it so. Working on Shabbos evening is also phony. Rabbis, what have you
done ?! What are you doing ?! There is no more time for your tarrying,
no more time for waiting on your hard neck. If you don't bow soon,
it will be broken. A Redemption with or without you, now or never.

It has been said: the Rabbis of the end will be of the Erev Rav (anti
forces against the truth, possibly people who never really wanted to
leave Egypt and its way of life). Now you can read my writing with a
smile, you can laugh it off or be happy someone cares for the truth,
you can walk to your Teshuvah in a happy mood. Soon, after some years
or decades (who knows), you might read this with the tears streaming
uncontrollably from your face, as you shake and cry about everything
that has had to happen, because you refused to _listen and do,_ because
all the people you lost, everything you loved the most. 7 times worse
every time, remember that. 7 times worse than 80 years ago.

You have been tasked with fearing your God. When his wrath pours out,
for us feeble humans, it looks like a flood without an end, a torrent of
death without hope, and we may well die in it as many likely will. But you
have a hard neck and will probably just brush off these words as if they
are nothing. Your tears in the future will be the worse for it, but then
do Teshuvah after you have been punished, harshly and this time, without
the mercy that was there 80 years ago. A beating with two hands, as some
native indians have said, a shaking of the world with two hands, for all
Nations and all mankind, for your evil and stupidity, your carelessness.

How can someone live the lie, and still sleep well, I do not comprehend
it. If I don't warn you enough, that is already when I start feeling
guilty. Stop lying, please. The prosbul, the heter iska, working on
Shabbos evening, even your year count seems to be a lie (it was 430
years in Egypt, and it is now already apparenly the year 6004). I know I
probably waste my time now, but when the things have passed which seem
they will, you might be angry of me for not going on like this another
5 pages, and do a myriad more things to get you to stop lying and return.

Blind people, do you finally see the war that is coming ?! It already
started, but most of them still don't seem to see it. It is not good
enough if a Rabbi talks about this and that and it is all true. You need
to keep the law straight, and get your people to follow it. It is your
job to overthrow the corruption of the past as well, such as the prosbul,
and get your people out of the exile, immediately. If they don't want
to follow you into the Redemption, ditch them and go alone, just like
Abraham, just like Moshe Rabbeinu !

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Date Sujet#  Auteur
24 Jun 24 o Will the tears be streaming uncontrollably from your face, because you refuse now ?1Jos Boersema

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