Israel seems unredeemable in its current State, one big mess

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Sujet : Israel seems unredeemable in its current State, one big mess
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 27. Jun 2024, 23:27:07
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v5klfb$2tulb$>
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
title: "Let Moshiach Come But Let Me Not See Him" - Why?
source: J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance.

  Someone wrote an interesting comment here, saying that what Bilaam
  said about the future, can apply to the Internet: you see someone, but
  not now (like a video of someone which is replayed later), and you
  behold someone but not near because you few it over the Internet from
  far away.

Reply ...

Interesting point, makes sense, and it can also _both_ be true: the more
literal meaning ('moshiach' is not in the time of Bilaam, and also not
in the area of Bilaam'), and what you suggested.

Anyway, the Jewish people do not want to do Teshuvah for the prosbul. I've
personally at least complained about this problem since like 2008 or so
(!), often daily. They don't care, no _return,_ almost always not even an
answer. Then they pretend to care for the Torah ! What Torah ? I can't
believe a Redemption with liars is possible. Asking Israel to repent
from an obvious treason like the prosbul, is like trying to drink the
sea and expect to finish it soon. When you are bursting with sea water
and you look if you made any progress: it made absolutely zero difference.

I think it doesn't matter if 'moshiach' "comes" or not, there is no people
who want to do what is necessary to live a life of peace and justice. It
isn't merely a matter of some person showing up. Just like with Moshe
Rabbeinu, it isn't "merely" about Moshe Rabbeinu showing up. If Israel
doesn't behave well, they get punished and die. Eventually, they almost
all died in the desert, they almost all failed. They where at the border
of what would become Eretz Yisroel, yet they lacked the quality to make
it work, and hence they could not enter. When some tried to enter, they
failed, because their God was against them, apparently having noticed
that this people cannot make life there a success. They first needed
more work and punishment and more study and whatever else was needed, in
the desert. After all that, they could enter, and made things at least
somewhat succesful for a while, although (as far as I understand it),
it was still far from perfect.

I think today is a similar situation. This people lack the honesty to
admit the prosbul is a lie, and it just doesn't matter to them how obvious
it is. The Rabbis lack the decency (!) and the honesty and the humility to
repent, to admit they have been part of causing the exile and tremendous
suffering for Israel, they put Israel on the wrong track of serving the
rich and greedy rather than Justice. Rabbis riding cars, Rabbis living
in nice houses, Rabbis having standing in the community, what's not to
like eh, who needs a Redemption ? It's just compltely hopeless at this
point. To give this mess a Redemption is asking for an obvious and quick
failure, after which the problems might only be even worse.

The next round of punishment will have to come. Israel made its choice,
for death and evil, over many many years already. It's not an accidental
choice. Many people failed, many people where asked to be honest and
to care: they did not. This people must not be Redeemed, this people
cannot be Redeemed. Time is up however, at least I think. The bombs are
too big. It's over, games by humans on Earth are over or soon over. It
cannot go on like this, with criminals ruling the world with this level
of technology. Heaven will have to figure it out, I guess. The common
people don't have a clue, what these technologies of war and tyranny are
going to mean, but by the time they finally realize it, it is probably
too late. Not that they care anyway, they seem to live for the day,
like flies. The past doesn't exist, the future is until you go to sleep.

The next round of punishment, has to be 7 times worse than the Nazis. The
Nazis killed one third of Israel. Take 7 times a third, and you have
about a 95% death rate. That sounds quite realistic, if you see and add
up all the law breaking and mess created by people calling themselves
Israel (which is not me, I don't call myself Israel mind you), to clean
up this complete mess ... maybe heaven will determine it will take such
a monstrous crime. It is what it is, I'm sorry. I couldn't get through
to Israel on the obvious topic of the prosbul. The lying by the Rabbis
(prosbul is a lie) has become habitual, it is a matter of idolazing Hillel
and Rambam and some other Rebbes. Israel has lost the way, more or less
completely. Probably not many will survive, but the way it is: there
can be no Redemption with these people. It doesn't matter if 'moshiach'
comes now or not, is recognized or not, the mess is too great, the lying
is too pervasive, the stupidity, the selfishness, the social bickering,
the lack of humility, the greed the cars the money ... it is too much,
far too much.

On top of all this mess, we have people asking "why do we need a
Redemption, we have cars and houses and feel good!". Because of people
like this, a Redemption is necessary, but probably not with them, but
_against them_ because if you don't see that this world needs some
serious improvements, you are probably part of the problem. I think
this is probably the last time I should try. Let heaven sort it out. It
doesn't matter anymore if they repent for the *prosbul*. I don't need
them to repent anymore. It went too far, it took too long, it is not
believable anymore. The mess is complete. One way or the other, this mess
cannot be Redeemed. It may be a repeat of the standing on the border of
Eretz Yisroel with Moshe Rabbeinu and the problem with the spies, who
caused doubt and fear. Because of that disunity, or whatever it was,
Israel was denied the honor of walking into Eretz Yisroel, and they
almost all died. It didn't matter anymore, if some still wanted to show
courage and go for it. It was too late, the mess was complete I guess.

No Redemption I think, not any time soon. First: massive and unprecedented
punishment, on Israel and the whole world. It will ilkely take years
and even decades to completely run its course. After all that, for the
ones still alive and probably deeply traumatized, we shall see ... bye,
and perhaps, until never.

You don't need this signature anymore. Such a chaotic and mindless people
cannot make a success about just about anything, including this.  Not that
the 'gentiles' are any better of course, they aren't, but that isn't
the point, or what matters. You had your chances, you made your choices.
This was my only objective: to give you a chance, a fighting chance. I
reached it, I did give you this chance. You chose to not use it, that's
fine. Have at it if you think you are doing so well. We will see where
you end up, if we haven't already. But but ... my program is trash ? Oh
is it, well then you made the right choice, huh ? There are no problems
and everything is fine, right ? Then I better stop wasting your time and
bother you with these nuisance messages. Bye and perhaps, until never.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 Jun23:27 o Israel seems unredeemable in its current State, one big mess1Jos Boersema

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