Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox

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Sujet : Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox
De : 69jpil69 (at) *nospam* (jillery)
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Date : 01. May 2024, 12:17:58
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On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 01:28:42 -0400, JTEM <> trolled:

I said that there is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox.

Getting your knappies twisted over adjectives is stupid. What you
still do *not* say is what you think Fermi said.  Since you *still*
have no idea what you're talking about, start with this:

[Fermi identified a] contradiction between the seemingly high
likelihood for the emergence of extraterrestrial intelligence and the
lack of evidence for its existence. The paradox has two broad forms:
(1) Why has Earth not already been visited? and (2) Why is there no
evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence at all?

The Fermi paradox emerged from a conversation between physicists
Enrico Fermi, Edward Teller, Emil Konopinski, and Herbert York at Los
Alamos in the summer of 1950 about flying saucers and the likelihood
of faster-than-light interstellar travel. The conversation moved on to
other subjects, but Fermi brought the discussion back to aliens with,
as Teller put it, "the quite unexpected question ‘Where is

Have a nice day.

To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge

Date Sujet#  Auteur
18 Apr 24 * There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox65JTEM
20 Apr 24 +* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox10jillery
21 Apr 24 i`* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox9JTEM
22 Apr 24 i +* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox6FromTheRafters
22 Apr 24 i i`* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox5JTEM
22 Apr 24 i i `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox4FromTheRafters
22 Apr 24 i i  `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox3JTEM
23 Apr 24 i i   `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox2FromTheRafters
24 Apr 24 i i    `- Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox1JTEM
22 Apr 24 i `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox2jillery
22 Apr 24 i  `- Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox1JTEM
22 Apr 24 `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox54J. J. Lodder
23 Apr 24  `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox53JTEM
23 Apr 24   `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox52jillery
23 Apr 24    `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox51JTEM
24 Apr 24     `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox50jillery
24 Apr 24      `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox49JTEM
30 Apr 24       `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox48jillery
30 Apr 24        `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox47JTEM
1 May 24         `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox46jillery
1 May 24          `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox45JTEM
6 May 24           `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox44jillery
6 May 24            `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox43JTEM
7 May 24             `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox42jillery
7 May 24              `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox41JTEM
8 May 24               `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox40jillery
8 May 24                `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox39JTEM
8 May 24                 +* Drake's equation (was: Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox)27vallor
8 May 24                 i+* Re: Drake's equation3JTEM
11 May 24                 ii`* Re: Drake's equation2jillery
11 May 24                 ii `- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
8 May 24                 i+* Re: Drake's equation12erik simpson
9 May 24                 ii+* Re: Drake's equation10Bob Casanova
9 May 24                 iii+- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
9 May 24                 iii`* Re: Drake's equation8Athel Cornish-Bowden
9 May 24                 iii +- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
9 May 24                 iii `* Re: Drake's equation6Bob Casanova
9 May 24                 iii  +* Re: Drake's equation4erik simpson
9 May 24                 iii  i+- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
10 May 24                 iii  i`* Re: Drake's equation2Bob Casanova
10 May 24                 iii  i `- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
9 May 24                 iii  `- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
9 May 24                 ii`- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
11 May 24                 i`* Re: Drake's equation (was: Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox)11jillery
11 May 24                 i `* Re: Drake's equation10JTEM
13 May 24                 i  `* Re: Drake's equation9jillery
14 May 24                 i   `* Re: Drake's equation8JTEM
15 May 24                 i    `* Re: Drake's equation7jillery
15 May 24                 i     +* Re: Drake's equation3Kerr-Mudd, John
16 May 24                 i     i`* Re: Drake's equation2jillery
20 May 24                 i     i `- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
15 May 24                 i     `* Re: Drake's equation3JTEM
16 May 24                 i      `* Re: Drake's equation2jillery
20 May 24                 i       `- Re: Drake's equation1JTEM
11 May 24                 `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox11jillery
11 May 24                  `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox10JTEM
13 May 24                   `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox9jillery
13 May 24                    +* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox7FromTheRafters
14 May 24                    i+- Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox1JTEM
15 May 24                    i`* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox5jillery
20 May 24                    i `* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox4JTEM
20 May 24                    i  +* Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox2J. J. Lodder
20 May 24                    i  i`- Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox1JTEM
21 May 24                    i  `- Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox1jillery
14 May 24                    `- Re: There is no such thing as a Fermi Paradox1JTEM

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