Re: JP Morgan CEO Catches Major SHIT Saying Americans Are "Pretty Well Off"

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Sujet : Re: JP Morgan CEO Catches Major SHIT Saying Americans Are "Pretty Well Off"
De : danmin (at) *nospam* (Danart)
Groupes : talk.politics.misc
Date : 20. May 2024, 07:56:45
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 > 68hx.1807 wrote:
 >    Clue ... MOST are highly IN FAVOR or "IDF Violence"
 >    against Hamas and friends.
 >    Report your failure as a propagandist to your
 >    totalitarian superiors ....

Nope....most people are morons or ignorant and have no idea about what
is really occurring.

Since the end of WWII thousands of refugees, to plain ordinary people
was removed from European nations ( including Eastern European USSR )
because of their religion. Just as Hitler wanted to do. There
properties was not restored, and houses and homes not rebuilt. There
was treated as if they came from nowhere. They were tossed into the
North African region, with there "ideal of white"
mentalities. They struggled for years while others abused their
powers, attacking people because they were told "they did not
belong here at all because of a stupid thing called

Nothing was stolen from the "J-u-e" at all. It is just that
these "people" was European/White and while Jim-Crow and
Segregation was the norm, they literally had there own Apartied party.
For years these people was fuel by racism, and nobody in the world did
anything about it.

It was not a product of Christian hate. It was a product of the hate
for any race that was not White/European enough.
Using Judaism like a crutch to stand-on. An excuse. So many
brainwashing media attempting to brainwash people about Islam, to so
much hate for no reason.


During modern day Ottoman Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all lived
in peace. It was only until racist discriminating minded Europeans (
White people ) fled from another racist discriminating minded European
( Hitler and the Nazi's )
started to "segregate" the market-places,
"segregate" there living quarters, and segregate everybody
and breath their stupidity, there racism down the necks of the people
did Ottoman had to send them back. Besides Italy and Germany was
looking to win and a neighboring African nation was already attacked
by Mussolini. All in the name of abusing Christianity in the name of
controlling the people.

Like how Catholic mentalities of "Bad Boy Bubby" made Sinead
O'Connor abuse her. Believing god would hate her for not maintaining a
good household, because her husband did not want her, and because
Sinead was not a boy ( as the dumb norm of leaving daughters with
mothers when they are young ), which is a make-believe reason.
Seriously Sinead mother was a crazy mad spinster and it is not
surprising of why her father would have left at all. Then SNL
literally made fun of the whole thing by having some lame actor do his
bs impression and even piecing together back the maniacs image.
Showing how evil and vile Hollywood is and there stance.

Right now as with Hitler and moving the J-U-E's into Ghettos that is
what Zionist Israeli's did to people post-pre-during COVID, calling
these citizens a "security precaution" only to use them as
hostages ( that nobody cares about ). When
the IDF Iron Dome did it's job and they decided to bomb an apartment
building with 200 people using two Hellfire Rockets meant for a tank.
Can you imagine any big city apartment complex being blown up, or even
any landmark buildings filled with hundreds of people. The day the
Twin Towers was blown up it had less then 200 people inside.
Zionist Israel literally pulled a 9-11-2001 on people that did nothing
but work, go to school, and live in peace.
That is why the lame October 7th attack happen.

Zionist Israel played the part of the bully and the little kid fought
back. That is what Zionist Israel wants. They want to keep
brainwashing people. They want another Afganistan-Iraq-2001 assistance
from the US to genocide Iran, Libya, Egypt, and any other nation they
could abuse the US military and throw waves of young men ( and women )
lives at there problems.

If the United States had work with Saddam and said "Yo Saddam we
want discount oil for life and we will not invade you, but in fact
help you unite Kuwait, in return Kuwait needs to be as peaceful as any
other US area for all" I am sure Saddam would have not sent that
missile. It was that easy.

But no USA had to side with the god-forsaken British. We all know the
J-Money-Lenders manipulate and control them with propaganda ( Benny
Hill literally changed his name so it would sound more Jewish to
appeal to the network executives ). US sided with the Brits when
dealing with Kuwait was an epic downfall. I am sure Saddam would have
literally reconsidered. But no he sent a stupid Missile to Israel and
the mindless general decided to change "Shield to Storm" in
the game plan, then 2001 happen and they invaded because of Saddam
talk of trading in gold.

The British are the United States eternal enemy and the only thing
that brings them together was WWII. If anything the Brits was even far
more harsher then the Nazi's was on them. Bombing the capital of
civilians not once but twice. Then not doing anything to prevent abuse
of the German citizens. It is like the day when the Chinese attacked
advancing US troops after WWII. I mean North Korea might have been the
fault of executing communist supporters in the South but at least they
had normality.

This is not jim-crow-r-tard times. The people of the world has been
manipulated into the actions of cowards. Racist-cowards. Again under
Ottoman Jews, Christians, and Islamics got along until European
cowards came there and started to segregate themselves. That is where
things went wrong.

This is a response to the post seen at:

Date Sujet#  Auteur
20 May 24 o Re: JP Morgan CEO Catches Major SHIT Saying Americans Are "Pretty Well Off"1Danart

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