Re: Hamas Confessions - THIS Is What Norway/Spain/Ireland Support

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Sujet : Re: Hamas Confessions - THIS Is What Norway/Spain/Ireland Support
De : danmin (at) *nospam* (Danart)
Groupes : talk.politics.misc
Date : 24. May 2024, 21:22:29
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 > 62hx.1708 wrote:
 > The father and son Hamas rapists - Terrorists describe going
 > house to house carrying out sex attacks and murder: 'One
 > screamed and cried... father raped her then I did then my
 > cousin did then father killed her'
 > .. . .
 >    Any country that supports these animals in any
 >    way are The Enemy. Cut 'em out of the equation.
 >    Oh, and all those Islamist "migrants" - dump
 >    'em THERE ...

Lets be clear. If the police during Ramadan
did there job in Israel and they were not stealing peoples land
forcing the Palestinians out of apartments into ghettos, and
preventing employment. None of these things you and I bare witness to
would not have occur at all.

The icing on the cake was when an apartment building was down with two
hellfire rockets ( missiles meant for tanks ) "after the
Iron-dome did it's job!!!" The death of those two-hundred people
was the final straw.

Zionist IDF Israel has constantly violated peoples rights and
treaties. So please stop showing us pictures and videos we have
already seen from various conflicts. It is not going to change
anybodies mind when you see a hospital of decaying babies left out in
the open and abandoned to die.

Zionist Israel is going to end up being a nuclear incident or a second
COVID. The worst thing in this entire world is going to happen because
White-racist-Europeans who do not even practice there own religion are
going to make everybody die for no reason.

There is no equality at all. There is no "I hit you and you hit
me". If Israel just stop, rebuild and agree to get along and not
be simps and angry-people. Then maybe things would get any better.


During Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, Vietnam, WWII there have been many
videos of exploitation of women ( and men ). Like the meat pile of
Afghanistan captives ( many who are "average ashamed" and
was not military at all ). Videos of US uniformed military burning
children alive. Videos of women/minors being held captive on US bases,
being told to show their breasts. I have nothing against the nature of
the manosphere ( as I am born one ) at all. I do have a problem when
you have videos of german women being held hostage "after the war
who have nothing to do with the war" and posed around on camera.
And the clearly have been punched in the face. While yes I might be a
canasaur of violence and sadistic in nature. It is still abuse of
power and position.

You could lie to a moron but you can not lie to me. Again IDF shot and
murdered ( again it is known ) held captives.
They escaped and made a white flag and ran towards there own military
and was shot dead. When your own military literally guns you down why

Many of these "reports" have been proven false, made up, and
fictionalized creations. These are not terrorists, these are freedom
fighters. Further more while "yes" everybody who is an
Israeli citizen must join the military, does not mean they are
"militants"/"fighters" at all.

Just like South Korea "You must join the military!" Does not
mean your going to be Rambo. They forget to mention this fact at all.
It is not a career move, it is a way to exploit the youth to do the
fighting for the racist-cowards in office. So they "market"
the idea of "everybody from birth" to be a militant.

It is a law that everybody
must follow. So the "media\propaganda" could make claims
about everybody being considered a "body" part of a
"military movement". The whole "shoot the babies"
thing was found to be false, so why not this?

I mean the videos of the captive people are women, and yes a good
chance they are not behaving or will not shutup would get hit, or
slapped around. But that is for not shutting the #$@#@@# up. I
honestly could see that with the mentality. Again why are we seeing
these videos? Does it make any sense at all? Which means

A. It was done on purpose.

B. They are clearly trying to show there are people being held

I honestly have seen video of a Orthodox Jewish woman with her bald
turban head-wear, black-nerd-glasses, and matching black Kaftan (
whatever it is called ) point a gun at a young Palestinian girl, just
for being in the area and walking by. The same dressed women in my
area I see running in groups around the park, trying to stay in shape
to even
better looking ones attempting to get sex, or look to be "picked
up". To even Sally Silverman on stage making a joke that
"would you rather see me ( dress up as I mentioned ) " going
"Waka-Waka" because that is the reality. These monsters are
"among us" and they blend in the "herd". So you
can not tell who is good or bad, all you know they live together with

I feel no remorse at all, and these idiots ( I probably walked by )
deserve what they get for choosing or being suckered into living in
that place at all. I have seen this nut-jobbery in college, when
another student knows that they will have no choice but to live in
Israel in order to pursue a specific major.


My local retailer is doing well with all these nutjobs fleeing. I am
also seeing some nice pretty girls looking in my direction.

All I see when I look at that flag are Nazi's. They might as well walk
around in KKK uniforms with police protecting them.

This is a response to the post seen at:

Date Sujet#  Auteur
24 May 24 o Re: Hamas Confessions - THIS Is What Norway/Spain/Ireland Support1Danart

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