Re: Do you condemn Hamas?

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Sujet : Re: Do you condemn Hamas?
De : danmin (at) *nospam* (Danart)
Groupes : talk.politics.misc
Date : 07. Jun 2024, 17:10:50
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 > NefeshBarYochai wrote:
 > This question became seemingly ubiquitous following October 7. As
 > Palestinians defied the imagination, breaking out of Gaza after
over a
 > decade and a half of living under total air, land, and sea
 > many found themselves having to face this question.
 > Whether it be from Zionists using the violence we witnessed on that
 > day as a means of creating story after story of atrocity propaganda
 > to force well-meaning allies into a corner or even those who
 > considered themselves pro-Palestine who struggled with the reality
 > decolonial violence — the question of whether or not Palestinian
 > resistance factions deserved support or criticism became a major
 > of contention. It was easy for many to support the cause of
 > Palestinian liberation when they viewed Palestinians as perfect
 > victims, but when Palestinians fought back, suddenly the question
 > solidarity became muddled.
 > Months later, after tens of thousands of Palestinians have been
 > murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces in Gaza amid an ongoing
 > genocide, and after thousands in the West Bank have found
 > imprisoned or under regular attack, sympathy for those resisting
 > own annihilation has grown, with the conversation becoming more
 > than it was in the days proceeding October 7. As videos spread by
 > resistance factions across Gaza and Lebanon find a regular and
 > enthusiastic audience and chants in support of those putting their
 > lives on the line take root in protests nationwide, it is clear
 > have grown to accept the necessity of armed struggle in the
 > Palestinian context, though a true consensus has yet to be
 > To that end, the answer to the question “Do you condemn Hamas?,”
 > particularly for those of us on the Left as we analyze the history
 > Palestine and why resistance occurs in a colonial context, should
 > always been clear.
 > A violent phenomenon
 > As Frantz Fanon’s oft-cited statement from Wretched of the Earth
 > made clear, national liberation, national reawakening, restoration
 > the nation to the Commonwealth, whatever the name used, whatever
 > latest expression — decolonization is always a violent event.
 > Palestine is not an exception to this reality.
 > The colonization of Palestine by Zionists, like all colonialism
 > throughout history, brought with it widespread and constant
 > levied in all forms against the Palestinian people. This was by
 > design, as the very nature of settler colonialism is a necessarily
 > brutal one given the end goal of the wholesale elimination of the
 > Indigenous population in all forms but nostalgia. This violence
 > not simply manifest itself through the military campaigns waged by
 > Zionist settlers and the Israeli occupation army, but through every
 > part of the colonial endeavor itself — an endeavor that can only be
 > sustained through the suffering, exploitation, repression, and
 > of Palestinians and all else that the colony wishes to conquer.
 > Palestinians, whether in Occupied Palestine, in refugee camps in
 > bordering nations, or in the diaspora around the world, are forced
 > every single day to wrestle with the reality of this settler
 > violence. The very existence of the Zionist project poses an
 > existential threat to the lives of millions, who have in some cruel
 > twist of reality been deemed existential threats by the project for
 > the simple reason that their existence undermines its legitimacy.
 > This violence does not occur without resistance. Throughout
 > whether it be in Algeria, South Africa, Ireland, or Palestine,
 > colonized people have risen up in the face of brutal violence to
 > themselves from the shackles of their own oppression. This
 > does not generally start as armed struggle, but through civil
 > disobedience, protests, general strikes, and similar tactics. Yet
 > these tactics fail, as they often have, or when exceptional
 > is waged against the people in response, armed struggle becomes a
 > necessity.
 > The colonial power, its legitimacy owed solely to the force it
 > undertakes to maintain its existence, creates the conditions for
 > resistance that will rise against it. The more violence and
 > colonized people face, the more they resist. Violent resistance
 > becomes mainstream out of sheer necessity given their material
 > conditions. This creates a cycle of violence, one perpetuated first
 > and foremost by the violence of the colonial entity itself.
 > Even before the official foundation of the Zionist project in 1948,
 > this cycle was well established. The Balfour Declaration came into
 > existence in 1917, signifying Britain’s official endorsement of
 > Zionist aspirations. By 1929, a fifth of Palestinians found
 > landless. By the 1930s, many Palestinians found themselves
 > and economically destitute, as Zionist capital, backed by favorable
 > imperial British laws and treatment, began flowing ever more
 > intensively into Palestine, according to Ghassan Kanafani’s seminal
 > work on the 1936 Great Palestinian Revolt.
 > These factors spurred resistance of their own variety, including
 > Buraq Uprising of 1929, efforts by Palestinians to pool resources
 > purchase land, sporadic violence, as well as Palestinian notables
 > lobbying for better treatment from their British overlords. This
 > of violent and non-violent efforts would all be suppressed or
 > ultimately met with limited success.
 > In 1936, when British forces murdered Syrian revolutionary figure
 > Shaykh ‘Izz al-Din al-Qassam, Palestinian popular resentment turned
 > into a general strike, and ultimately into popular revolt, which
 > put down brutally by Zionist and British forces by 1939. Only a few
 > years later, Zionists would ethnically cleanse more than 750,000
 > Palestinians from upwards of 530 cities, towns, and villages and
 > thousands more in what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba, or the
 > “catastrophe”. These ethnic cleansing campaigns continue up to the
 > modern day.
 > Palestinians would rise up as a result of the subjugation they
 > again through a combination of violent and non-violent struggle
 > would be met with even more violent oppression. When Palestinians
 > waged cross-border raids into occupied territory, they were met
with a
 > Zionist invasion in Lebanon and massacres at Sabra and Shatila.
 > Palestinians rose up during the First and Second Intifadas, they
 > met with violent crackdowns, mass arrests, and widespread violence
 > that would lead to the intensification of their own violent
 > efforts. When Palestinians in Gaza took to marching to the wall
 > surrounded them in the March of Great Return, hundreds were killed
 > thousands more injured by Israeli soldiers. The cycle of violence
 > continued and intensified.
 > Fast forwarding to today, Palestinians continue to live in
 > in the West Bank, and what could functionally be described as a
 > concentration camp in Gaza, with Palestinians in the 1948 and 1967
 > territories living under brutal apartheid management structures.
 > have resisted every step of the way, each time seeing thousands
 > imprisoned, murdered, displaced, and millions utterly subjugated
 > exploited as the Zionist project continues toward the ultimate goal
 > eliminating them in all forms but nostalgia.
 > When armed struggle becomes material necessity
 > In the face of all of this violence, armed resistance organizations
 > have risen up and established themselves amongst the people,
 > they be Fatah, the PFLP, the DFLP, Palestinian Islamic Jihad,
 > or others. These groups, and the violence they employ, did not come
 > exist in a vacuum. Rather, they are the result of decades of brutal
 > colonial violence, and the culmination of Palestinian efforts to
 > liberate themselves from it.
 > The tactics they employ on the ground are the culmination of this
 > struggle. These groups chose to undergo operations they determined
 > advance their liberatory struggle. Many outside of Palestine, and
 > Palestinians themselves, may have disagreements with these tactics,
 > on a grander scale, disagreements with the core principles and
 > ideologies of one or several of the groups deploying them. For
 > of us in the Western Left, however, removed from the reality of
 > on-the-ground struggle, this cannot mean that we undermine the very
 > legitimacy of armed struggle itself.
 > Hamas is a key example of this. Like them or not, the efforts they
 > have waged and continue to wage have made more of a material impact
 > toward the liberation of Palestine than anything any of us in the
 > will ever make. They are taking on the brutal violence of colonial
 > power and waging a campaign of armed struggle that has, at the
 > moment, with coordination with other resistance factions, made the
 > Zionist colony more of a pariah than it has ever been on a global
 > stage and shattered the image of military invincibility and overall
 > stability it has spent decades cultivating. Countless years of
 > struggle have culminated in this flashpoint.
 > The path forward, as history has repeatedly shown, will be largely
 > forged through the armed struggle of resistance factions on the
 > ground. Their very survival depends on it, and it continues to
 > challenge and erode the power of the Zionist entity itself.
 > Palestinian armed resistance has forced the Zionist project to wage
 > increasingly violent campaign that is sharpening contradictions in
 > such a way as to lead to its continued unraveling. As the masses in
 > the imperial core, specifically those of the United States, come to
 > realize that their interests are at odds with the interests of the
 > Zionist project and their government leaders who are sustaining the
 > project’s ongoing genocide, the traditional support base the
 > relies on has eroded. In its place is an ever-increasing mass
 > in firm support of Palestinians, rather than their colonizers.
 > In Palestine, the Palestinian struggle for liberation has developed
 > what can be called a “Popular Cradle” of resistance — a state of
 > and cohesion that has developed between the Palestinian armed
 > resistance and broader Palestinian society. That “popular cradle,”
 > the Palestinian Youth Movement has so aptly described it, has
 > as an organ of the liberation struggle by conceptualizing
 > as both a normal and necessary state of being. This has led to a
 > reality where the resistance is sustained by the masses themselves,
 > who support them and readily accept the consequences of their
 > continued fight for liberation.
 > That armed struggle, a material necessity, is reaping material
 > results, even in spite of mass violence, crackdowns, and a campaign
 > outright genocide. In Gaza specifically, that very struggle in no
 > small part led to the withdrawal of Zionist settlers from the
 > territory which forced Zionist planners to rework how they went
 > their occupation of Gaza. The struggle has kept Israeli Occupation
 > Forces from entering Jenin and other refugee camps across historic
 > Palestine without serious consequence. In many ways, the resistance
 > struggle has been a key element of continued Palestinian survival.
 > Moving past the question
 > The question of whether we condemn Hamas is more than just a
 > of condemnation. At its core, we are being asked to disavow
 > violence altogether — to support Palestinians only when they are
 > perfect victims or only when the groups waging liberatory struggle
 > align with the values of our ideologies and fraternal parties. It
is a
 > question that acts as a trap and misses the point entirely.
 > We cannot make the mistake of engaging seriously with such an
 > obfuscation. It is on us, especially those of us on the Left, to
 > understand that the core driver of the violence we are seeing is
 > always has been Zionist settler colonialism. This cycle of violence
 > perpetuated not by the colonized, as they seek to liberate
 > from the state of total subjugation and brutal reality of genocidal
 > liquidation, but by the Zionist project and those advancing its
 > interests.
 > The question we have to ask ourselves, and indeed answer, is not
 > whether we condemn Hamas, but whether we condemn a settler colonial
 > regime that makes armed struggle necessary for survival.

Let me
tell you how this is going to end because it is not going to end.

A. US will disarm Israel, rebuild all the hospitals and homes at the
expense of Israel, and tear down borders. Many military and police in
Israel will fight back despite the peaceful understanding that nobody
will be losing there jobs and the US will give back the weapons to
everyone. The entire area will be unified. US will work with other
nations against Israel as part of the negotiations of peace. Citing
that USA will not take sides in the matter, outside of keeping peace
between all nations
in the area. USA will continue to occupy and police Israel ( Palestine
etc... ) until everybody is accounted for ( like kidnapped
Arabic/Palestine/Islamic children by the IDF ) and those MIA.


B. These pro-Arabic, Islam, and various nations would all attack
Israel at the same time. Israel would hide behind USA as mindless
fighting would continue ( Just like Iraq and Afghanistan ), and then
Turkey and UAE would get involved, and more mindless fighting.
Meanwhile in Palestine + Israel ( whatever the land should be called )
"The people" would have there own uprising. Jews,
Chrsitians, Muslims and all would break down the prime-minsters office
( like what Russia should do with Putin by this point ) and literally
throw him out of the nation ( or to Ukraine forces ) and have a new
election with a leader that is not a racist, a-hole. Because if nobody
does nothing we all are going to grow elderly and continue to see
racism unfold.

C. Somebody is going to blow up the entire place. Like a place like
Tele Aviv. Imagine a quiet A-bomb just exploding in a flash of light
everybody is de-atomized. It is going to be like something out of a
sci-fi or anime. That place is nothing but hate and has brought
nothing but horror to everybody.


The whole entire thing is not about October blah blah it is about when
Ramadan happen. Crowds and passer-byres was being taunted, people
started to throw things, the crowd started to defend themselves.
Police came. Arrested and harassing people was praying or part of the
event. Eventually shooting within religious areas as well.

Even before COVID, people was being illegally evicted from apartments.
They did not want to rent just because.
The elected official of Israel took a racist stance claiming "we
are proud racists" in 2016 when it came to African African
peoples, Jewish or not. Fund-raisers, charities in the US would donate
to other charities as part of a plan to use illegal old documents from
before the fall of Ottoman to make claims to land that was owned by
people for many years. These people lived good and was not harmful at
all. Imagine police and military being called in to remove elderly
woman and her grand daughter, and what about there belongings.

Because of all of this happen right after COVID ( which still affects
many people today ) in retaliation in Gaza random rockets was fired at
Israel. IDF reflected the rockets with the Iron-Dome almost %100.
After which IDF launched two hellfire ( made to attack tanks )
rockets/missiles at a apartment building. Two hundred people died in
that building. Innocent children, elderly, families that had little or
nothing to do with anything outside there window. Died for no reason.

Even after that 9/11 event, they ( IDF ) continue to demolish
buildings and even targeting a news-station ( AJ ). For reporting the

That is why the October Blah blah thing happen. That is what Israel
wanted. In fact it is possible that IDF knew about this attack in
advance as well. They did nothing at all to counter it.

What did the IDF do? Blow up hospitals, and even blow up people in
areas where they told them to flee. These people ( IDF and many
Zionist Israel people ) are brainwashed, and blind to what they are

However at it's core is genocide and pure racism. No different then
"Bronx 2000/ Bronx Warriors Part 2". Just blowing up
buildings, killing random people.

Even kidnapped people who fled into IDF with a white flag, who clearly
look like Jewish Israel people.

I honestly do not feel any mercy at all towards anybody who waves the
star of David around who actually believes they are on the correct


Racist-elected official IDF Zionist Israel = Makes Hitler and his
cabinet smile
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