Re: OT: EV Charging Stations Stripped of Copper Cables

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Sujet : Re: OT: EV Charging Stations Stripped of Copper Cables
De : jlarkin_highland_tech (at) *nospam* nirgendwo (john larkin)
Groupes : uk.d-i-y
Date : 07. Jul 2024, 14:06:28
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On Thu, 04 Jul 24 13:15:03 UTC, charles <>

In article <v65vqn$2nm1f$>,
  Bill Sloman <> wrote:
On 4/07/2024 7:55 pm, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 04/07/2024 09:25, Bill Sloman wrote:
What a load of pretentious crap. Renewable energy sources are the
cheapest power sources around,
and EV let you travel more cheaply than you can in a car with an
internal combustion engine.
Not at today's renewable electricity prices. And disastrous [
depreciation on EVs
 If you had any kind
of clue about engineering design,
I am a professional engineer with a Cambridge degree in Electrical
sciences and a lifetime in engineering design
That;s how I do know what I say is true.
When I worked at Cambridge Instruments as an electronic engineer I had
to put up with a lot of clowns like you.
They had the delusion that their Cambridge degree was of a different
nature to the kind education offered elsewhere in the world - it was
heavier on math, but short on connections to reality. The good ones
could become useful practical engineers, but it took a year or two of
I'm also a Cambridge educated Engineer. I believe in "real world"

That's good, even necessary, but it shouldn't supress the occasional
excursion into absurdity, which is where ideas come from.

I was just talking to a guy who runs the electronics group at one of
our US National Labs. He asked me what sort of stuff we do, and I said
"lunatic fringe electronics." He laughed and said that's what he does

We agree that scientists present us with wonderful problems to
instrument but are generally terrible at designing electronics

I was just reading some similar thoughts about ideas in a book by
Freeman Dyson.

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