Re: Nex Benedict

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Sujet : Re: Nex Benedict
De : fredp1571 (at) *nospam* (FPP)
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Date : 11. Mar 2024, 14:24:49
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Organisation : Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
Message-ID : <usmt6h$3ju6f$>
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On 3/10/24 2:55 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uskdb8$300lk$>, FPP <>
On 3/8/24 8:40 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <usgbfr$1vp6f$>, FPP <>
On 3/6/24 12:45 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <usa2h0$g16c$>, FPP <>
On 3/4/24 1:58 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
On Mar 4, 2024 at 5:56:21 AM PST, "FPP" <> wrote:
Republicans themselves said this is the most far reaching bill, and
includes everything they've been asking for for 20 years.
The week Biden took office, he issued 94 executive orders to open the
border and stand down enforcement of immigration law.
Until Biden rescinds those EOs, any claims he makes that he wants to
address illegal immigration are nothing but lies.
So answer his question. What was in the bill that was bad?
I already did an in-depth analysis of this abomination several weeks
ago, which you completely ignored and only responded to by insulting
Trump as per usual. Why should I do it all again just for you to ignore
it again?
Oh, hell, hope springs eternal and it's easy to copy and paste so here
The Republicans got most of what they wanted and that still wasn't
good enough
Of course it wasn't good enough. And I don't know who you're referring
to specifically by 'the Republicans' but anyone who isn't a RINO got
next to nothing from this bill with regard to border security. And
that's being generous.
Even as hundreds of thousands of illegals stream across the border
month, including thousands of gang members recently kicked out of
in places like El Salvador, looking for a friendlier place to commit
their crimes, this 'border deal' would have done absolutely nothing to
secure the border.
First, it's important to emphasize that no 'border deal' is
necessary in
the first place. Under existing law, including the Immigration and
Nationality Act of 1952, the president of the United States has the
authority to turn every single illegal alien away at the border if he
determines it's necessary to safeguard the country, to include
There is no requirement that we entertain millions of fraudulent asylum
claims-- or even legitimate asylum claims, as rare as those may be.
There is no legal requirement that we allow a single non-citizen into
this country. Period.
All that's necessary to secure the border is for the president of the
United States to start doing his damn job and enforcing the law, to
start using the power that he *already* legitimately and
constitutionally has. It doesn't need to be complicated. We just
need to
start enforcing existing laws as they stand.
But if the White House actually adopted this simple and straightforward
solution, two things would happen:
(1) The Democrat Party would lose out on millions of future loyal
once the next stage of their plan is implemented: the 'path to
citizenship' for all the illegals we let in and who now will be
described as leading an 'unfair' twilight existence in our society
can only be solved by making them citizens. Democrats' longstanding
plans for demographic replacement at the polls would be stymied.
(2) Congress would miss out on a chance to launder hundreds of millions
of dollars and Congress never misses out on an opportunity like that.
So here we are.
The bill proposed in the Senate would allocate another $60 billion
dollars in military aid to Ukraine and $14 billion to Israel. (We
already give Israel billions every year-- what have they been doing
that? Where has that money gone that we need to dump $14 billion
more on
their doorstep?) That's a grand total of $74 billion going to secure
borders of other countries. By comparison, the bill only allocates $20
billion for U.S. border security.
So to restate for the slow kids in the back of the room: Our leaders
proposing to spend roughly 400% more on securing the borders of two
other foreign countries than they are on securing the border of our own
And it gets worse. Because even the money that's supposedly going for
our border security will actually in practice only facilitate the entry
of millions of more illegal aliens into the U.S. Specifically, the bill
allocates $2.3 billion for something called "refugee and entry
assistance activities" by giving "grants or contracts to qualified
organizations and non-profit entities to provide culturally and
linguistically appropriate services, including housing, medical, and
legal assistance and ease management assistance". (Ease management
assistance? WTF? Why am I paying for that?) So that's more than two
billion dollars to the left-wing 'non-profit' organizations that exist
principally to find ways to sneak as many illegals into this country as
By doing so, this bill actually creates more incentives for illegals to
come here in the first place.
One of the highlights of the bill is that it requires the Executive
Branch to close the border on an emergency basis if the number of
illegal entries exceeds 5000 in one week or 8500 in one day.
Except the bill also gives Joe Biden the authority to waive this
emergency requirement at any time at his discretion. So of course it
will never be enforced. He and DHS Secretary Mayorkas could effectively
just ignore this entire section of the law if it were passed.
The bill also doesn't count unaccompanied minors from countries other
than Mexico and Canada toward the totals necessary for border closings.
In other words, a significant percentage of illegals from Haiti, Cuba,
Honduras, Pakistan, China, etc. simply don't count. We could have
of those show up in one day and it wouldn't count.
And on top of that, the bill doesn't *actually* close the border, even
if this fraudulent 5000-illegal threshold is reached. Per one of the
bill's co-authors, Senator Chris Murphy: "The bill contains a
requirement that the president funnel asylum claims to the land
ports of
entry when more than 5000 people cross in a day. The border never
but claims must be processed at the ports."
So basically even if these arbitrary numbers are reached, the border
never closes. The illegals are just re-directed to processing centers
where they are then let into the country. It's a complete scam by
design. And a scam that's designed to last for a long time, given the
bill's 3-year sunset provision. The idea being that if Trump does get
re-elected, he'd be bound by the terms of this deal and couldn't do
crazy things like ACTUALLY shut down the border and stop this
never-ending firehose of illegals.
In one key respect, this bill would actually *lessen* the
already-minimal standards for allowing illegals into the country. Right
now, people applying for asylum need to show "a significant possibility
that they can establish a credible fear of persecution on the basis of
race, national origin, political beliefs, etc." Not a high standard. It
doesn't require them to provide any actual evidence of their claims.
Just make a claim, which they've been coached to say and which they've
rehearsed, and then get into the country. But this border bill would
lower that standard even further, if that's possible, from a
"significant" possibility of persecution to merely a "reasonable"
possibility of persecution. And reasonable is just another way of
'plausible'. In other words, it's a bar that anyone from anywhere can
clear. There's no way that anyone claiming asylum will ever get turned
away if that's the standard.
The bill is an abomination that makes the border *less* secure than it
already is, which is a remarkable feat that few, if any, people
was even possible.
Thank god the House Republicans said the bill was dead on arrival. But
it doesn't begin to explain why Senate Republicans thought there was
anything here that could possibly be considered good for America.
It's as if the Senate is made up of politicians who despise their own
citizens and whose top priority is the safety of foreigners in other
countries thousands of miles from their own shores. And they know it.
When you confront them on why they've utterly failed at the border,
don't even try and justify their behavior. They just call you a racist
for even asking the question. There's no political calculation that
would explain their support for this nonsense. The American people,
Democrats and Republicans alike are overwhelmingly upset about what's
going on at the border. There's no support for it.
Polls clearly show that no one's buying the idea that we need a nearly
$100 billion giveaway to Ukraine and Israel in order to do something as
basic as enforcing the law here in America.
Nobody seriously thinks that it's appropriate to pay foreign countries
vast sums of money to secure their borders while we allocate a fraction
of that money to open up our own borders even more. Most Americans want
our leaders to prioritize our country before other countries. It is not
an unreasonable thing for us to want.
Who wouldn't have given ANY amount of money to defeat Hitler in WWII if
it meant no American lives would have been lost?
What sort of a moron thinks paying Hitler would have been necessary
before we could enforce our own laws here in America?
Oh, and notice how Effa, after demanding I tell him *again* what was in
the bipartisan bill that was bad for America doesn't bother responding
to any of it. Again.
Two weeks from now he'll be back to demanding I tell him what's bad
about the 'bipartisan border bill' again.
They don't like their own bill because Donald Trump TOLD them not to
like it.
 Sure. If it wasn't for Trump giving me orders, I'd *love* the idea of
8000 unvetted illegals per day streaming into the country.
 You're a joke.
What's not funny is that you're right.  You WOULD do it if Trump ordered it.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC Bible  25B.G.
Gracie, age 6.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Mar 24 * Re: Nex Benedict18FPP
9 Mar 24 +* Re: Nex Benedict9trotsky
10 Mar 24 i`* Re: Nex Benedict8FPP
10 Mar 24 i `* Re: Nex Benedict7BTR1701
11 Mar 24 i  `* Re: Nex Benedict6FPP
11 Mar 24 i   `* Re: Nex Benedict5BTR1701
12 Mar 24 i    +* Re: Nex Benedict3FPP
13 Mar 24 i    i`* Re: Nex Benedict2FPP
13 Mar 24 i    i `- Re: Nex Benedict1trotsky
13 Mar 24 i    `- Re: Nex Benedict1trotsky
10 Mar 24 `* Re: Nex Benedict8FPP
10 Mar 24  `* Re: Nex Benedict7BTR1701
11 Mar 24   `* Re: Nex Benedict6FPP
11 Mar 24    +- Re: Nex Benedict1moviePig
12 Mar 24    `* Re: Nex Benedict4FPP
12 Mar 24     `* Re: Nex Benedict3BTR1701
13 Mar 24      +- Re: Nex Benedict1FPP
13 Mar 24      `- Re: Nex Benedict1trotsky

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