Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule

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Sujet : Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule
De : Nyssa (at) *nospam* (Nyssa)
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Date : 12. Jun 2024, 01:41:27
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Organisation : At River's End
Message-ID : <v4ana7$19lje$>
References : 1
User-Agent : KNode/4.3.2
shawn wrote:

For those that don't know MeTV is starting up a new
channel, MeTV Toons that has all the old cartoons that no
longer get aired. It starts up at the end of this month.
Here is a list of the stations carrying Me-TV Toons
While they aren't hitting every city they are getting most
of the nation with this coverage.
Here is the schedule for the network:
They've got a good mix of shows for a new network.
Something there for just about everyone including many I
never heard of.

No "Beany and Cecil"??!!??

I've already got DVDs of a bunch of 'em listed (Top Cat,
Rocky & Bullwinkle, Bugs Bunny, etc.), but I've never
been able to get a Beany and Cecil DVD. The only one
I ever even saw listed anywhere only had a few episodes,
but disappeared before I could order it never to be seen


Disrespecting one of the classics! Beany and Cecil needs
to be SEEN so people can appreciate it!

Nyssa, who wonders if anyone else who hangs out here
has ever seen the inhabitants of the Leakin' Lena or
the evol Dishonest John

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Jun 24 * MeTV Toons has released their full schedule10shawn
12 Jun 24 +- Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule1Ian J. Ball
12 Jun 24 +* Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule5Nyssa
12 Jun 24 i+* Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule2shawn
12 Jun 24 ii`- Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule1Nyssa
12 Jun 24 i+- Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule1Adam H. Kerman
12 Jun 24 i`- Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule1BTR1701
12 Jun 24 +* Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule2super70s
12 Jun 24 i`- Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule1Adam H. Kerman
12 Jun 24 `- Re: MeTV Toons has released their full schedule1Ubiquitous

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