Re: Android on Desktop Computer

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Sujet : Re: Android on Desktop Computer
De : zzz (at) *nospam* (Dominique)
Groupes :
Date : 21. Oct 2023, 05:50:43
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <ugvhqk$1if6g$>
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Le 20/10/2023 à 22:04, Physfitfreak a écrit :
On 10/20/2023 12:19 PM, Eric M wrote:
Le 20/10/2023 à 19:12, Physfitfreak a écrit :
Can one install Android OS on a desktop computer without any other OS on the system?
La réponse est oui, et je l'ai fait, mais this is a french speaking newsgroup so you have to speak French :)
 No, French people are Bitches of USA. When an American asks you a question, you have to respond only in the English language, and do it politely. We pay for your security in Europe, and you, in turn, are our Bitches. Do what we say.
J'ai déjà croisé nombre d'abrutis sur nos forums, mais là, nous avons tiré le gros lot, une belle bête !
À ce niveau de connerie, c'est de l'art. Chapeau bas, Messieurs :)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
20 Oct 23 * Android on Desktop Computer10Physfitfreak
20 Oct 23 `* Re: Android on Desktop Computer9Eric M
20 Oct 23  +* Re: Android on Desktop Computer5Physfitfreak
20 Oct 23  i+* Re: Android on Desktop Computer2Eric M
21 Oct 23  ii`- Re: Android on Desktop Computer1Dominique
21 Oct 23  i+- Re: Android on Desktop Computer1Dominique
25 Oct 23  i`- Re: Android on Desktop Computer1Alf92
25 Oct 23  `* Re: Android on Desktop Computer3Alf92
25 Oct 23   `* Re: Android on Desktop Computer2Eric M
27 Oct 23    `- Re: Android on Desktop Computer1Alf92

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