Re: Ian Fleming got off with women because he couldn't get on with them, etc.

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Sujet : Re: Ian Fleming got off with women because he couldn't get on with them, etc.
De : xanax.doux (at) *nospam* (Sh.Mandrake)
Groupes : fr.lettres.langue.anglaise
Date : 31. Jan 2022, 00:29:30
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Organisation : Serveur de salon
Message-ID : <st73ga$964$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.5.0
Le 30/01/2022 à 14:27, Hibou a écrit :
"English is an immensely complicated language to get right, and native
speakers often have no idea of its strangeness. We understand the
sentence 'I can't put up with the guy I'm putting up at my house, his
put-downs really put me out and I'm feeling put-upon.'"

;-) ;-) ;-)

Des différents sens de la postposition en anglais.
Il suffit de les connaître.


Le Magicien

Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 Jan 22 * Ian Fleming got off with women because he couldn't get on with them, etc.2Hibou
31 Jan 22 `- Re: Ian Fleming got off with women because he couldn't get on with them, etc.1Sh.Mandrake

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