[article] Vaccine skeptics and anti-maskers who invoked 'my body, my choice' in the pandemic are now lining up to support the end of Roe v. Wade

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Sujet : [article] Vaccine skeptics and anti-maskers who invoked 'my body, my choice' in the pandemic are now lining up to support the end of Roe v. Wade
De : nicolas1.krebs3 (at) *nospam* netcourrier.com (Nicolas Krebs)
Groupes : fr.bio.medecine fr.misc.actualite.covid19 fr.soc.complots fr.soc.feminisme
Suivi-à : fr.soc.complots
Date : 25. May 2022, 18:12:29
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Organisation : <http://pasdenom.info/news.html>
Message-ID : <t6lo24$v46$1@rasp.pasdenom.info>
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Le portail gauchiste https://rezo.net/ signale les articles de
- Marie Solis, « Anti-vaxxers Stole 'My Body, My Choice' from the Abortion
  Rights Movement », vice.com, 2019-6-18,
- Tina Rulli, Stephen Campbell, « Can "My Body, My Choice" anti-vaxxers be
  pro-life? », Bioethics, 2022-4-5, https://doi.org/10.1111/bioe.13033
- Mia Jankowicz, « Vaccine skeptics and anti-maskers who invoked 'my body,
  my choice' in the pandemic are now lining up to support the end of Roe
  v. Wade », businessinsider.com, 2022-5-5,

Article publié dans quatre forums, répondre dans un seul forum.
« Puis les choses ont terriblement mal tourné. On a appris que le
terroriste présumé de Norvège n'était pas musulman. Il détestait les
musulmans. Et il admirait Pamela Geller. »

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 May 22 * [article] Vaccine skeptics and anti-maskers who invoked 'my body, my choice' in the pandemic are now lining up to support the end of Roe v. Wade2Nicolas Krebs
25 May 22 `- Re: [article] Vaccine skeptics and anti-maskers who invoked 'my body, my choice' in the pandemic are now lining up to support the end of Roe v. Wade1Yannix

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