Re: [SR] David's little pebble against Goliath

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Sujet : Re: [SR] David's little pebble against Goliath
De : r.hachel (at) *nospam* (Richard Hachel)
Groupes : fr.sci.physique
Date : 31. Jul 2022, 11:57:14
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Organisation : Nemoweb
Message-ID : <YVc468JJGPz0puGuNVO6Av0X54M@jntp>
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Une jolie explication faite sur un forum anglo-saxon. Le 31/07/2022 à 11:51, Richard Hachel a écrit :
David's little pebble against Goliath
 Everyone knows.
 There is also, in the theory of relativity, a small pebble capable of collapsing a colossus, if it takes it in its single eye.
 This small pebble, I have already explained it many times, consists of the formal contradiction of the relativistic covariance if we pass in apparent speed.
 And it can be summarized like this:
- the theory is that the star traveler will age 9 years on the way out and 9 years on the way back.
 - We assume that at 0.8c, the distance of 12 bar will be contracted and will measure 7.2 bar.
 - We assume that if the traveler has a good telescope, when he returns, he will see the earth approaching him with an apparent speed of 4c.
 On that, everyone agrees.
 But the stone of David (Doctor Richard Hachel) arrives very quickly in the unique eye of Goliah (the theory of relativity explained by the big pundits without going through my recommendations.
 How can a traveler who observes for nine years the earth returning towards him at an apparent speed of 4c, can he see it evolve on 7.2al?
 Doctor Hachel explained that there was a dilation of the distances in this precise case. Logical dilation and predicted by the Poincaré-Lorentz equations, and that this dilation was like d'=d.sqrt(1-v²/c²)/(1+cosΦ.v/c)
 Either here: 36al.
 This is the Axelian space-zoom.
 Thank you for listening.
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19 Apr 24 o 

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