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Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Apr 24        i`- Re: ? ? ?1Jim Pennino
5 Apr 24        +* Re: ? ? ?2Colin Mcdonald
5 Apr 24        i`- Re: ? ? ?1Jim Pennino
5 Apr 24        `- Re: ? ? ?1Jim Pennino
8 Apr 24 o in 1999 all she cared about was her reputation and she was very serious and i didnt cause i thought i was alone in the game...1_
8 Apr 24 o ..i take bac k hwhat i said today forgive me imsick i cry..1_
8 Apr 24 o --i take back wjat i said today forgive me im sicki cy...1_
8 Apr 24 o i still love her>im one major pathetic loser1_
8 Apr 24 o Re: The impotence of Minkowskian relativists1Thaddeus Pantelakos Kefalas
5 Apr 24 * Veto Power :-)6Physfitfreak
5 Apr 24 +- Re: Veto Power :-)1Joel
6 Apr 24 +* Re: Veto Power :-)3Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24 i`* Re: Veto Power :-)2Physfitfreak
7 Apr 24 i `- Re: Veto Power :-)1Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24 `- Re: Veto Power :-)1Arindam Banerjee
7 Apr 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Micha Lovász Wágner
6 Apr 24 o Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Ross Finlayson
6 Apr 24 o ..i ttaek back what i said today forgive me im sick i cry1_
6 Apr 24 o about these last 10 years i just hope they forgive me for my selfishness, arrogance, obsession to overthrow einstein etc etc...1_
6 Apr 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Duane Borbély
6 Apr 24 o i take back hwat i said today forgive me im sick i cry.....1_
6 Apr 24 o i solld them cause they hid her from me i was soul blind and naked and humiliated and alone and burned, cause they wanted me to talk about her without knowing what she was saying, what she told them(blind shots in the dark )they were squashing me.they wanted me to guess what she told them, it was the payment1_
6 Apr 24 o ...i taek back what isaid today forgive me im sick i cry...1_
6 Apr 24 o i ask forgiveness to america for selling your stars forgive me a million i cry1_
6 Apr 24 o ..ii taek back whhat i said today forgive me ims ick i cry..1_
6 Apr 24 o 1999 how my sickness started till today nothing changed1_
5 Apr 24 o alll she said in 1999 was robbery->>she read my messages and then either she was copying me (mimicking me) or distorting everything i said in her own gain>>thats low>>she didnnt have a mind of her own>>she thought i didnt knew>><not fair1_
5 Apr 24 o i take back what i said today forgive me imisick i cry1_
5 Apr 24 o in 1999 everyone knew i was a fool crazy a cmoplete fool and they kept insisting and burning me>>what coulld had i done?to stop the machines??1_
5 Apr 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Rusbel Bilimovich
5 Apr 24 o ..i take back hwat i said today forgive meim sick icry1_
5 Apr 24 o in 1999 when i thought i was a star i was their food1_
5 Apr 24 o Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Physfitfreak
5 Apr 24 o ..i take bakc what i said today forgive me im sick i cry...1_
5 Apr 24 o 1999 i was a jesus chryst1_
5 Apr 24 o i cant give my hapiness away like in 1999 to burn myself out all over again and get burned back by the stars....1_
5 Apr 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Desmond Archambault
4 Apr 24 o Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?1Sammie Pásztor Buzás
4 Apr 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Jam Yaaqo Chaim
7 Mar 24 * Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)26trolidous
8 Mar 24 +- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Physfitfreak
8 Mar 24 `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)24rbowman
8 Mar 24  +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)22Physfitfreak
8 Mar 24  i`* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)21rbowman
9 Mar 24  i `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)20Physfitfreak
9 Mar 24  i  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)19rbowman
9 Mar 24  i   +* Re: A better SpeachToText app.3rbowman
9 Mar 24  i   i`* Re: Hamas & Putin-Jong Un burn in Hell.2rbowman
10 Mar 24  i   i `- Re: Hamas & Putin-Jong Un are subterranean.1rbowman
9 Mar 24  i   `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)15Physfitfreak
29 Mar 24  i    `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)14Physfitfreak
30 Mar 24  i     `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)13Physfitfreak
30 Mar 24  i      +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)4rbowman
30 Mar 24  i      i`* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)3Physfitfreak
3 Apr 24  i      i `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2Physfitfreak
4 Apr 24  i      i  `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Physfitfreak
30 Mar 24  i      +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)5Jim Pennino
30 Mar 24  i      i`* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)4Physfitfreak
30 Mar 24  i      i `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)3Jim Pennino
30 Mar 24  i      i  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2Physfitfreak
30 Mar 24  i      i   `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Jim Pennino
30 Mar 24  i      `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)3Volney
30 Mar 24  i       `* The harbor pilot identifies as a black female.2Relf
30 Mar 24  i        `- Re: The harbor pilot identifies as a black female.1Jim Pennino
8 Mar 24  `- Re: The winner gets the oil.1rbowman
4 Apr 24 o they are all good honest normal people except me that im sick and i dont know wheres the cure, how to cure myself1_
3 Apr 24 * Moving a closed system with internal devices...12Arindam Banerjee
3 Apr 24 `* Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...11Jim Pennino
3 Apr 24  `* Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...10Arindam Banerjee
3 Apr 24   +- Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...1Arindam Banerjee
3 Apr 24   `* Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...8Jim Pennino
4 Apr 24    `* Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...7Arindam Banerjee
4 Apr 24     +* Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...3Volney
4 Apr 24     i`* Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...2Arindam Banerjee
4 Apr 24     i `- Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...1Jim Pennino
4 Apr 24     `* Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...3Jim Pennino
4 Apr 24      `* Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...2Arindam Banerjee
4 Apr 24       `- Re: Moving a closed system with internal devices...1Jim Pennino
4 Apr 24 o in 1999 i thought it was my right toe taht made me fly so i choped it hoping id land on my feet after i choped it and id be normal just like everybody else cause everyone called me a freak back then and i wanted to be normal1_
4 Apr 24 o --i take back what i said today forgive me im sick i cry---1_
4 Apr 24 o in 1999 the reason why i laughed was that i was chopping a part of my right toe llike the vitruvian mans right toe--back then i believed it was the cure for my disease__back then i failed.i mutilated myself for nothing, that was the reason of my hapiness>>that i beleived i had found the cure and i hadnt found nothing1_
4 Apr 24 o --i take back hwat isaid today forgive me imi sick icry---1_
4 Apr 24 o , i take back all i said these past 15 years cause i wasnt me, i was my poisoned sick me by her1_
3 Apr 24 o __i --take back what i said today forgive me im sick i cry---1_
3 Apr 24 o in 1999 and these last 10 years while i was under her spell, she gave me the (vampiric)hunger to win something(to reach the top) my lack of humility was her1_
3 Apr 24 o _-i take bak what i said today forgive me im sick i cry1_
3 Apr 24 o about the spaceship in 1999 i was just a monkey, a sub human piece of crap1_
2 Apr 24 o i take back what i said today forgive me im sick i cry----1_
2 Apr 24 o in 1999 i let the stars sold me out as a payment for insulting etherman (as a defence). and then they said i sold them(the stars in america) thath i wwas guilty for that1_
2 Apr 24 o Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?1Ren Christakos Haritopoulos
2 Apr 24 o Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?1Mitchel Shirinkin Balahowski
2 Apr 24 * Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?4Arindam Banerjee
2 Apr 24 `* Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?3Richard Hachel
2 Apr 24  +- Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?1Arindam Banerjee
2 Apr 24  `- Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?1Arindam Banerjee
2 Apr 24 o --i take back hwat isaid today forgive me im sick i cry--1_
2 Apr 24 o i just pretended to be superior to defeat her, i was a fool,they thought i wanted to be superior to them and i was just agains her1_
1 Apr 24 o i wasnt invincible in 1999>>explanation:i was only human when i landed just like everybody else when i landed1_
28 Mar 24 * 1999 she was only there to be queen for as long i was the bad guy or the i pretended to be the bad guy for her to shine to catch her , it was hunting season7_
29 Mar 24 `* Re: 1999 she was only there to be queen for as long i was the bad guy or the i pretended to be the bad guy for her to shine to catch her , it was hunting season6Archimedes Plutonium
29 Mar 24  `* Re: 1999 she was only there to be queen for as long i was the bad guy or the i pretended to be the bad guy for her to shine to catch her , it was hunting season5Edmond Csordás Hornyák
1 Apr 24   `* Re: 1999 she was only there to be queen for as long i was the bad guy or the i pretended to be the bad guy for her to shine to catch her , it was hunting season4Archimedes Plutonium
1 Apr 24    `* Re: 1999 she was only there to be queen for as long i was the bad guy or the i pretended to be the bad guy for her to shine to catch her , it was hunting season3Bubba Jámbor
1 Apr 24     `* Re: 1999 she was only there to be queen for as long i was the bad guy or the i pretended to be the bad guy for her to shine to catch her , it was hunting season2Archimedes Plutonium
1 Apr 24      `- Re: 1999 she was only there to be queen for as long i was the bad guy or the i pretended to be the bad guy for her to shine to catch her , it was hunting season1Wilford Harabornikov
1 Apr 24 o __i-take back hwat i said today forgive me im sick i --cry1_
1 Apr 24 o i takke back everything i said about her frogive me im sick icry1_
1 Apr 24 o i repent everything i said about her forgive me im sick i cry1_
1 Apr 24 o i mean no harm to her or anyone, forgive me im sick i cry1_
1 Apr 24 o Re: [SR] Demonstration of simplification1Bladimir Funakoshi
1 Apr 24 o Re: Too Big To Rig????1Beraldo Eliopoulos
1 Apr 24 o Re: My Fart Parties :-)1Arindam Banerjee
31 Mar 24 * Re: Rotation Bifurcation...4Shayne Tai Kwan
31 Mar 24 `* Re: Rotation Bifurcation...3Chris M. Thomasson
31 Mar 24  `* Re: Rotation Bifurcation...2Randy Babeshko
1 Apr 24   `- Re: Rotation Bifurcation...1Chris M. Thomasson
31 Mar 24 o in 1999 she was the one who increzsed my market value publicly, she gave her glory to me so the stars would want to sell me, cause honestly where i live in 1999 all called me a mono(which is monkey in spanish)(in portuguese means something obsolete1_
31 Mar 24 o ---i take bac jwat i said today forgive me imsick icry1_
31 Mar 24 o Mr rockstar : tell me what you want from me please or leave me alone forever1_
31 Mar 24 o in 1999 it was like i was 2 diferent people inside me 2 diferent heads so i never felt lonely>1_
31 Mar 24 o __ take back-what i said today frogive me i msick ii cry1_
31 Mar 24 o turning PAIN(ELECTRIC SHOCKS) into monlogue conversations, its been more than decade in a pprison. HEY MR ROCKSTAR - GIVE ME YOUR HEART MAKE IT REAL OR ELSE FORGET ABOUT IT1_
31 Mar 24 o turning PAIN into monlogue conversations, its been more than decade in a pprison>>hey Mr rockstar what can i say to get out of prison?what doo you want from me? what do you want me to say?1_
31 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?1Gaylord Chalyh Turubanov
31 Mar 24 o Re: Discussion on tachyons1James Mee'k, Attorney at law
31 Mar 24 o Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Leandro Somogyi Lévai
30 Mar 24 * Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)3Athel Cornish-Bowden
30 Mar 24 `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2Volney
31 Mar 24  `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Athel Cornish-Bowden
31 Mar 24 * Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti2Darris Rikhter Bajinov
31 Mar 24 `- Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti1FromTheRafters
30 Mar 24 o Ask Alexa if it prays in the middle of the night1greysky
29 Mar 24 o in 1999 i thoguth i had been predestined for greatness when all the stars were playing my songs, that i was bound to greatness>>i was fooled and they fooled me>>the underlyinng truth was that i had been predestined to burn in hell>>i lived in a world that only existed in my head>>the stars were great sined by brnong my skin i was fooled1_
29 Mar 24 o i n1999 i thought that leting the stars play my song meant that i was a star>>the oposite that i know today><so il leted them play my songs>>>but then i started burning ionly then i knew i was a fool>>that my fame meant that i was a target to burn to ashh and dust and that i was shit to them>>i was a fool1_
29 Mar 24 o ..i take back hwat i said todayy forgive meim sicki cry1_
29 Mar 24 o i have 2 diseases 1 has a cure that emplies the stars to stop playing my songs, the other illness is incurable its a lack of balance due to a skull fracture on the left back side of my skull from an accident i had1_
29 Mar 24 * Re: My Fart Parties :-)2Physfitfreak
29 Mar 24 `- Re: My Fart Parties :-)1Physfitfreak
29 Mar 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Webster Pagaev Marmazov
29 Mar 24 o ...i take back wat i said today forgive me im sick i cry1_
29 Mar 24 o in 1999 i was afraid of normal people, cause i was diferent, so i tried to hide from her and everybodyelse.1_
29 Mar 24 o in 1999 the stars were schizzophrenic and passed their diseases and schizzophreny to me....1_
29 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] Dismaying intellectual desert?1Mee'k Pagano Selvaggio
29 Mar 24 o i was a faggot to america in 19991_
29 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti1Pooja Mrana Bhateri
29 Mar 24 o ..i taek bacj what i said today forgive meimsicki cry1_
29 Mar 24 o in 1999 they said i was a monster to them when i was i dont float,i found a way to land. she did the war and she got away with it.i was a monster and she the saviour of the world POOOOFT the world a much better place now?!??great hero she was1_
29 Mar 24 o .i take back.what isaid today forgibve me im sikck i cry1_
29 Mar 24 o the rulle is between man and woman nobody sticks their nose in,they broke the rule the criminals1_
29 Mar 24 o in 1999 i gave them my all(my everything)space skies of wonders>>to buy them and they didnt give me what i wanted that was to crucify her(they didnt pay me back)1_
29 Mar 24 o .i take back hwat i said today forgibe me im sick icry1_
29 Mar 24 o in 1999 she exposed a mental health sick person to the public>>thats a crime and a big one>>1_
29 Mar 24 o __i.take back what isaid today forgibe me im sick i cry1_
29 Mar 24 o the stars didnt grant me revenge on her because in 99 i was the freak, she was on the ground and i was floating so htey didnt accept me as equals and she was accepted>>its not fair>>1_
29 Mar 24 o i take back hwat i said yesterday i have anxiety and panic attcks forgive me im sick i cry1_
28 Mar 24 o i___take back what i said forgive me im sick i cry1_
28 Mar 24 * Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti2Londell Kreskas Grammatakakis
28 Mar 24 `- Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti1Richard Hachel
27 Mar 24 * in 1999 i had a god like charisma, and the stars wanted to erase me so they burned me and sold my songs(THEY STOLE)2_
28 Mar 24 `- Re: in 1999 i had a god like charisma, and the stars wanted to erase me so they burned me and sold my songs(THEY STOLE)1Arindam Banerjee
28 Mar 24 o Re: Too Big To Rig????1Chris M. Thomasson
28 Mar 24 o Re: Too Big To Rig????1Jim Pennino
28 Mar 24 o Relativity is neither wrong physics nor bad physics1Arindam Banerjee
27 Mar 24 o ...i take back hwat i said today forgive me im sicik icry1_
27 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti1Orval Ban
27 Mar 24 o about 1999 without knowing what she told them nothing makes sense>>1_
27 Mar 24 o .i take back hwhat i said today forgive meim sick i cry1_
27 Mar 24 o in 1999 i said that it was all closed in a restrictive universe predefined by previous predefined questionable theorems1_
27 Mar 24 o all i wanted in 1999 was to know what she told them about me that was the point that would overturn everything1_
27 Mar 24 o i-take back whatt i said today forgive me im sick i cry1_
27 Mar 24 o in 1999 when i was flying she was loving me to pretend and convince the crowd that it was her love for me that made me fly1_
27 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti1Keelyn Orsós Forgács
26 Mar 24 * Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.2Babu Mikhnevich Yablontsev
27 Mar 24 `- Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Arindam Banerjee
26 Mar 24 o in 1999 i just felt superior cause she blue had screwed a black guy, if it wasnt for that id be a nigger/inferior just like everybody else like me1_
26 Mar 24 o some years ago i said she was a blue whale,i take back what i said,i didnt meant it,forgive me,i cry1_
26 Mar 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Bowen Paitakes Vassilikos
26 Mar 24 o _1_
26 Mar 24 o Re: Note to Archimedes Plutonium1Teal Pintér Szárkozyi
26 Mar 24 o Re: Note to Archimedes Plutonium1Darren Puskás Majoros
25 Mar 24 * Re: Iconic Black Hole Pioneer Disproves The Existence of Singularities3Ace Kosmatka Dubanowski
25 Mar 24 `* Re: Iconic Black Hole Pioneer Disproves The Existence of Singularities2Physfitfreak
25 Mar 24  `- Re: Iconic Black Hole Pioneer Disproves The Existence of Singularities1Edman Guzun Holshevnikov
25 Mar 24 o i take bakc what i said forgive me i m __sick i cry1_
25 Mar 24 o i know in 1999 i laughed , i know i sinned, but it was just one year>>but ive been crying now for more than 10 years>>i think that pays off, that i dont owe them jack, its paiid omore than full 10 times multiplied1_
25 Mar 24 o Re: New addition to the list of Relativity Critics/Skeptics1Kajal Kumari Choudhary
25 Mar 24 o ___i takke back what i said today forgive meim sick i cry____1_
25 Mar 24 o shes a man eater, i wish i had never met her at all, me loved her i was a pathetic loser1_
7 Mar 24 * Re: ? ? ?32Maciej Wozniak
8 Mar 24 `* Re: ? ? ?31Thomas Heger
9 Mar 24  `* Re: ? ? ?30Thomas Heger
9 Mar 24   +* Re: ? ? ?13Bogdan Guleichik Balagul
10 Mar 24   i`* Re: ? ? ?12Thomas Heger
10 Mar 24   i `* Re: ? ? ?11Hania Pusztai Sebestyén
15 Mar 24   i  `* Re: ? ? ?10Thomas Heger
15 Mar 24   i   `* Re: ? ? ?9Connie Bairashevski Balashoff
17 Mar 24   i    `* Re: ? ? ?8Thomas Heger
17 Mar 24   i     `* Re: ? ? ?7Chellos Leontarakis
21 Mar 24   i      `* Re: ? ? ?6Thomas Heger
21 Mar 24   i       `* Re: ? ? ?5Péter Juhász
23 Mar 24   i        `* Re: ? ? ?4Thomas Heger
23 Mar 24   i         `* Re: ? ? ?3TReena Pooja Kishan
25 Mar 24   i          `* Re: ? ? ?2Thomas Heger
25 Mar 24   i           `- Re: ? ? ?1Smith Matoke Yamamura
10 Mar 24   `* Re: ? ? ?16Maciej Wozniak
12 Mar 24    `* Re: ? ? ?15Thomas Heger
12 Mar 24     `* Re: ? ? ?14Maciej Wozniak
14 Mar 24      `* Re: ? ? ?13Thomas Heger
14 Mar 24       +- Re: ? ? ?1Osiris Moy
17 Mar 24       `* Re: ? ? ?11Thomas Heger
17 Mar 24        `* Re: ? ? ?10Maciej Wozniak
17 Mar 24         `* Re: ? ? ?9Maciej Wozniak
18 Mar 24          `* Re: ? ? ?8Thomas Heger
18 Mar 24           +* Re: ? ? ?4Maciej Wozniak
20 Mar 24           i`* Re: ? ? ?3Thomas Heger
21 Mar 24           i +- Re: ? ? ?1Elijah Katzuba Bakiev
23 Mar 24           i `- Re: ? ? ?1Zozrov Bakinov Mikhalev
19 Mar 24           `* Re: ? ? ?3Maciej Wozniak
19 Mar 24            `* Re: ? ? ?2Maciej Wozniak
20 Mar 24             `- Re: ? ? ?1Maciej Wozniak
25 Mar 24 o Re: Iconic Black Hole Pioneer Disproves The Existence of Singularities1Yanko Molnár
24 Mar 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Dioletis Stamatelos Metrofanis
24 Mar 24 o _-i take back hhwta isaid today forgive me im sick i cry1_
24 Mar 24 o at the begining of 1999 the stars were selling my songs and pretended they were my friends when they were screwing me1_
24 Mar 24 o Re: The most ridiculous science mistake in history.1Zuhdi Jadov Bagramov
24 Mar 24 o they wanted me to open my butt again to give them my joy1_
24 Mar 24 o ___i take back what isaid today forgive me im sicki cry(i mean no harm to anyone)1_
24 Mar 24 o in 1999 she was the world dictator...explanation1_
24 Mar 24 o __i taek back what isadi today forgive me i m sick i cry___1_
24 Mar 24 o i didnt start any riot in 1998(like they said)>exaplanation...1_
23 Mar 24 o Re: Big Bang Day1%
23 Mar 24 o Re: Big Bang Day1%
23 Mar 24 o Re: Iconic Black Hole Pioneer Disproves The Existence of Singularities1Maykell Gyöngyösi
23 Mar 24 o 1999 the strongs hundreds of them against just one person me.i commited suicide by fighting them thats why i would lose cause if i didnt lose it wouldnt be natural/normal, i learned form the bullies1_
23 Mar 24 o in 1999 behind her was a whole army, they thought she was princess diane , and me to go against her i had to go against her army.she was invincible ...1_
23 Mar 24 o Toward the goal of Faster-Than-Light communication1greysky
23 Mar 24 o in 1999 was a starss cosmic gag they were afraid of something from me1_
21 Mar 24 o Re: Too Big To Rig????1Connor Nakazawa
21 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] The traveler of Tau Ceti1Woodruff Xydis Kefalas
21 Mar 24 o i prostituted myself to america in 1999..she used my faggot prostitution to blame me, to put all the guilt on me1_
21 Mar 24 o i take back all my laughters and joy and hapiness i gave away to the stars in 1999(when i opened my ass to them)1_
21 Mar 24 o Re: The physics aphorisms of Arindam - repost1bertitaylor
21 Mar 24 o Re: 20 Years of Peter Woit's "Not Even Wrong"1Jerem Pásztor Szatmári
20 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] Usefulness of real velocities in accelerated relativistic frames of reference.1Ronny Pantelakos
20 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] Usefulness of real velocities in accelerated relativistic frames of reference.1Otis Fülöp
20 Mar 24 o in 1999 they said i was a king>>and a king who has to obbey to his vassals and has not ocmplete control isnt a king>>meaning i was never a king cause they never obbeyd my orders.i was a king of the bongo a loser manipulated by the mobs>>i was never a king soo i dont owe them jack s***1_
20 Mar 24 o i dont want to be a leader nor a king nor a star like they put me as i n1999>>cause they make you pay>>they just want someone to blame when everythging goes wrong, and whatever/whenever things are right they dont give any value. it was all a waste of timme and money and youth like me i 1999.deceivers and scammers1_
20 Mar 24 o who robbed the american rockstars in 1999 was her not me.she was the one who told them i was chanting for her and i wasnt. thats not fair. im not the criminal, she is1_
20 Mar 24 o ___i take back wat i said today forgive me im sick i cry______1_
20 Mar 24 o she didnt give them any joy nor opened her ass to them as i did, she is respected and i dont pooft1_

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