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On 9/3/2024 3:44 AM, Mikko wrote:What would those assumptions be?On 2024-09-02 16:06:11 +0000, olcott said:That is why I made the isomorphic x86utm system.
A correct halt decider is a Turing machine T with one accept state andYour "definition" fails to specify "encoding". There is no standard
one reject state such that:
If T is executed with initial tape contents equal to an encoding of
Turing machine X and its initial tape contents Y, and execution of a
real machine X with initial tape contents Y eventually halts, the
execution of T eventually ends up in the accept state and then stops.
If T is executed with initial tape contents equal to an encoding of
Turing machine X and its initial tape contents Y, and execution of a
real machine X with initial tape contents Y does not eventually halt,
the execution of T eventually ends up in the reject state and then
encoding of Turing machines and tape contents.
By failing to have such a concrete system all kinds of false assumptions
cannot be refuted.
The behavior of DDD emulated by HHH** <is> different than the behaviorHow can the same code have different semantics?
of the directly executed DDD** **according to the semantics of the x86
HHH is required to report on the behavior tat its finite string inputThe input specifies an aborting HHH - which you don’t simulate.
specifies even when this requires HHH to emulate itself emulating DDD.
DDD never halts unless it reaches its own final halt state. The factOther than that DDD calls HHH?
that the executed HHH halts has nothing to do with this.
HHH is not allowed to report on the computation that itself is containedThen it is only partial, and doesn’t even solve the case it was built for.
Except for the case of pathological self-reference the behavior of theThat sure sounds like a mistake to me.
directly executed machine M is always the same as the correctly
simulated finite string ⟨M⟩.
That no one has noticed that they can differ does not create an axiomThey were never allowed, that was the definition.
where they are not allowed to differ.
No one noticed that they differ only because everyone rejected the ideaI think after 3 years that excuse has grown a bit stale.
of a simulating halt decider out-of-hand without review.
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