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On 5/18/24 7:24 PM, olcott wrote:(a) That idea might work yet you did not say it correctly.On 5/18/2024 6:06 PM, Richard Damon wrote:See below:On 5/18/24 6:44 PM, olcott wrote:>On 5/18/2024 3:02 PM, Richard Damon wrote:>On 5/18/24 3:57 PM, olcott wrote:>On 5/1/2024 7:10 PM, Richard Damon wrote:>The second method uses the fact that you have not restricted what H is allowed to do, and thus H can remember that it is simulating, and if a call to H shows that it is currently doing a simulation, just immediately return 0.>
Nice try but this has no effect on any D correctly simulated by H.
When the directly executed H aborts its simulation it only returns
to whatever directly executed it.
Why? My H does correctly simulate the D it was given.
You don't seem to understand how the C code actually works.
If the directly executed outermost H does not abort then none of
the inner simulated ones abort because they are the exact same code.
When the directly executed outermost H does abort it can only return
to its own caller.
WHAT inner simulatioin?
My H begins as:
int H(ptr x, ptr y) {
static int flag = 0;
if(flag) return 0;
flag = 1;
followed by essentially your code for H, except that you need to disable the hack that doesn't simulate the call to H, but just let it continue into H where it will immediately return to D and D will then return.
Thus, your claim is shown to be wrong.
We are talking about every element of an infinite set where
H correctly simulates 1 to ∞ steps of D thus including 0 to ∞
recursive simulations of H simulating itself simulating D.
*At whatever point the directly executed H(D,D) stops simulating*
*its input it cannot possibly return to any simulated input*
And my H never stops simulating, so that doesn't apply. It will reach the final state.
*Show the error in my execution trace that I empirically*
*proved has no error by H correctly simulating D to the*
*point where H correctly simulates itself simulating D*
(Fully operational empirically code proved this)
>For Reference
typedef int (*ptr)(); // ptr is pointer to int function
00 int H(ptr x, ptr y);
01 int D(ptr x)
02 {
03 int Halt_Status = H(x, x);
04 if (Halt_Status)
05 HERE: goto HERE;
06 return Halt_Status;
07 }
09 int main()
10 {
11 H(D,D);
12 return 0;
13 }
14 int H(ptr x, ptr y)
15 {
16 static int flag = 0
17 if (flag)
18 return 0
19 ... continuation of H that simulates its input
>Line 03: Calls H (line 14)
In the above case a simulator is an x86 emulator that correctly
emulates at least one of the x86 instructions of D in the order
specified by the x86 instructions of D.
This may include correctly emulating the x86 instructions of H
in the order specified by the x86 instructions of H thus calling
H(D,D) in recursive simulation.
Execution Trace
Line 11: main() invokes H(D,D);
keeps repeating (unless aborted)
Line 01
Line 02
Line 03: simulated D(D) invokes simulated H(D,D) that simulates D(D)
Line 16: Static already inited, so not changed.
Line 17: Flag is 1, so
Line 18: Return 0
Line 03: Set Halt_Status to 0
Line 04: if (Halt_Status) halts status is 0, so skip
Line 06: return Halt_Status
Simulation completed, program halted.
>Nope. Not for this H
Simulation invariant:
D correctly simulated by H cannot possibly reach past its own line 03.
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