Re: Relativistic aberration

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Sujet : Re: Relativistic aberration
De : hitlong (at) *nospam* (gharnagel)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 12. Aug 2024, 14:53:39
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On Mon, 12 Aug 2024 4:33:02 +0000, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
W dniu 11.08.2024 o 22:19, gharnagel pisze:
On Sun, 11 Aug 2024 18:07:25 +0000, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
W dniu 11.08.2024 o 19:49, gharnagel pisze:
Clocks are human inventions, so smart humans will set
them to agree with natural phenomena.
Sorry, trash, they won't.
Denigration and prevarication aren't valid arguments.
Anyone can check GPS - oppositely, they will set them
to ignore natutral phenomena.
Wozniak asserts that "t' = t" in the GPS system, but he
Harrie asserts t'<>t,
Do I?  How could I without knowing what t' and t are? :-))

but when asked what t' is then - he's only spitting,
insulting and slandering.
I wasn't the one calling people "trash" -- Wozniak is
projecting again.

Let's try again: so, when t(time indicated
by a ground base clock) is 2024-08-31
17:00:00.00000000 - t' (time indicated by
a satellite clock) will be? Consider the
simultaneity of the base.
Wozniak doesn't say WHERE the measurement of the
satellite clock is made.  Of course, he wants it
to be measured at the ground, not at the satellite.
The house of cards that he's built to "disprove"
relativity fails because the GPS was engineered
to make the time of the satellite clock match the
time of the ground clock ONLY ON THE GROUND - OF
THE EARTH.  And "match" means the RATE of the
clock.  The time of the sat clock is updated from
the ground twice a day.  The time of the sat clock
is maintained between those updates by running it
at a slower rate than the ground clock according
to the dictates of relativity.  Without that
adjustment, the system would be useless most of
the time.

Lies have short legs.
They do, I guess, whatever that means.  The basic
question, though, is Wozniak basically dishonest
or is he incapable of understanding that his
thesis is a house of cards?  Is he a liar or is
he just honest but unintelligent?
On the one hand, if he's a liar, and there's an
afterlife, he is in danger of having his tail
feathers burned:
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the
abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers,
and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS,
shall have their part in the lake which burneth
with fire and brimstone: which is the second
death." -- Revelation 21:8
So being stupid is better.  But if there's no
afterlife, being stupid is worse.

never defines his terms.
A lie, of course, as expected from a relativistic
doggie in general and from Harrie especially.
Another example of who is doing the "spitting, insulting
and slandering." :-))

On Sat, 10 Aug 2024 3:45:25 +0000, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
 > Easy one, Harrie. t is indication of one clock (Earth)
 > t' is the indication of the other (GPS satellite).
 > And they are equal, against the moronic prophecies
 > of your idiot guru; that's why you're trying to
 > delete one of them from the reality.
And poor lying piece of shit Harrie did surely
notice that because it has answerred.
And yet another example of who is doing the "spitting,
insulting and slandering." :-))

Fortunetely for your bunch of idiots  you're
not THAT stupid. You only insist they should
be set to agree with your fantasies, but you're
setting them ordinary way so they indicate
t'=t, like always, and those alleged clocks
"agreeing with natural phenomena" and
"confirming" your idiocies - exist only in
your sick delusions.
Sorry to say, but Wozniak appears to be the one with
"sick delusions" since motional and gravitational
time dilation are confirmed phenomena which would
And in the meantime in the real world - forbidden by
your bunch of idiots "improper" clocks keep measuring
t'=t, just like all serious clocks always did.
And yet another example of who is doing the "spitting,
insulting and slandering." :-))

Nobody sane is going to set clocks to agree with
your alleged "natural phenomena", and even the
hardest Shit fanatics are not really THAT stupid.
They only pretend.
And yet another example of who is doing the "spitting,
insulting and slandering." :-))
I tend to believe that Wozniak is not stupid, but very
clever.  That's too bad because there is mounting
evidence that there IS an an afterlife:

Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 Oct 24 o 

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