Re: Relativistic aberration

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Sujet : Re: Relativistic aberration
De : r.hachel (at) *nospam* (Richard Hachel)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 01. Aug 2024, 21:44:58
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Message-ID : <vm2xfHhdbhCGbGpkAGwBhe4P93s@jntp>
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Le 01/08/2024 à 20:04, "Paul.B.Andersen" a écrit :
Richard, you pride yourself of being the only person who has ever
correctly explained the Langevin paradox, but when I ask you to explain
a very simple example of said paradox, you chicken out!
 One stationary clock on Earth, and two aeroplanes flying at
very low altitude in opposite directions around the Earth,
could it be simpler?
I will answer you obviously, but not now, because the answer is too complicated, and you risk forfeiting a fight that you could win.
We must go more slowly and talk about the Langevin first, because the punch in the face is already quite colossal.
In your example, it is true that it is very simple in appearance and we say to ourselves what could be simpler, one remains on the ground, the others turn in different directions but at the same speed.
However, in the frame of reference of airplanes, it is the earth that turns around them, and the subject remaining on the earth does not describe a circle, but a very complex ovoid.
I prefer not to take this example, at least for the moment, and not until you have had all the insights that I have had for 40 years.
Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Jan 25 o 

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