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with <> D wrote:Lawyering is not taxation, correct.On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:>D wrote:On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:D wrote:
*SKIP* [ 17 lines 5 levels deep]>Sadly I have family commitment which are leveraged against me. If IOne thing to note though, is that I say more ethical, and notWhy do you pay taxes if you consider it unethical? There's country's
_ethical. No government is ethical. And all governments can become
more and more ethical as they strive to abolish themselves. So no,
arabia is not "ethical" but since they engage in less theft than for
instance, sweden, then yes, they are more ethical than sweden.
you could move to with little government and no taxes such as Haiti,
or simply stop paying taxes by not taking the fruits of those taxes.
could just stop paying taxes without jeopardising those family
commitments and without risking violence I definitely would.
News flash! You've bee *brainwashed* into "family commintments". Move
to Haiti while you can!
>So what do I do instead?>
I fight with lawyers and aggressive tax planning. I'm down to about 9%
to 14% in taxes, which is much better than the 60+% or so I used to
pay, but the journey towards 0% continues! =) Once my family
commitments are not holding me back, I think, as you say, that it
should be quite possible to shave off some additional couple of % from
that figure! =)
And that lawyering isn't taxation how?
Also, you forgot to add "Contact me to learn more". Your lawyer is
already disappointed.
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