Sujet : Re: Gödel's Basic Logic Course at Notre Dame (Was: Analytic Truth-makers)
De : polcott333 (at) *nospam* (olcott)
Groupes : comp.theory sci.logicDate : 23. Jul 2024, 15:58:03
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On 7/23/2024 7:02 AM, Mild Shock wrote:
Little bit odd reference to mathematical logic for 2024.
olcott schrieb:
Curry, Harkell B. 1977. Foundations of Mathematical Logic. Page:45*It sustains this idea*
L is the language of a formal mathematical system.
x is an expression of that language.
When we understand that True(L,x) means that there is a finite
sequence of truth preserving operations in L from the semantic
meaning of x to x in L, then mathematical incompleteness is abolished.
~True(L,x) ∧ ~True(L,~x)
means that x is not a truth-bearer in L.
It does not mean that L is incomplete
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