Re: Relativistic aberration

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Sujet : Re: Relativistic aberration
De : python (at) *nospam* (Python)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 07. Aug 2024, 14:19:11
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Organisation : CCCP
Message-ID : <v8vs8f$2nkf1$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
Le 07/08/2024 à 15:16, M.D. Richard "Hachel" Lengrand a écrit :
According to Hachel, and always in accordance with logic, with truth, and with the equations of Poincaré, who was not weak in mathematics, the notion of simultaneity is invariant by change of observer JOINT at the moment of measurement, what varies for them is the INTERNAL CHRONOTROPY, and not the notion of simultaneity.
There is nothing in common between your demented ill-defined
contradictory "ideas" and Poincaré's work. NOTHING.

[snip more nonsense]

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