Re: Relativistic aberration

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Sujet : Re: Relativistic aberration
De : python (at) *nospam* (Python)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 14. Aug 2024, 13:04:30
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Organisation : CCCP
Message-ID : <v9i6ge$bvnu$>
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Le 13/08/2024 à 20:24, Paul.B.Andersen a écrit :
Den 13.08.2024 18:29, skrev Richard Hachel:
Let's take the case of Python. What could be less scientific than this guy who swallows everything?
 He doesn't swallow what you tell him.
Maybe that's because he is able to think for himself?
This is a common trend among cranks: "This is right because *I* said
it and you are not even allowed to contest *me*!".
This could be called "authoritarianism with authority". Another crank
on fr.sci.* is using this a lot, Jacques Lavau. His hobby is to pretend
to have discovered, independently from Cramer, the transactional
interpretation of QM while he was a student. This is of course
ridiculous when it comes to confronting his own "work" to Cramer's

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