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On 19/03/24 00:10, olcott wrote:Ĥ.q0 ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⊢* Ĥ.Hq0 ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⟨Ĥ⟩ ⊢* Ĥ.Hqy ∞ // Ĥ applied to ⟨Ĥ⟩ haltsOn 3/18/2024 11:19 AM, immibis wrote:The argument to a halting decider must be a self-contained program and the input to that program. The same finite string must always have the same behaviour.On 18/03/24 06:32, olcott wrote:>On 3/17/2024 11:49 PM, immibis wrote:>On 18/03/24 05:40, olcott wrote:*When H(D,D) says YES D gets stuck at line 05*When H1 says YES it is right.>
When H says YES it is wrong.
Any halt decider is right to say YES on the input (D,D) if and only if D(D) halts.
Can D correctly simulated by H terminate normally?
01 int D(ptr x) // ptr is pointer to int function
02 {
03 int Halt_Status = H(x, x);
04 if (Halt_Status)
05 HERE: goto HERE;
06 return Halt_Status;
07 }
09 void main()
10 {
11 D(D);
12 }
That would be a different D. The facts that Hah(Dah,Dah) returns TRUE and Dah gets stuck at line 05 do not prove that Han(Dan,Dan) returns TRUE and Dan gets stuck at line 05.
*D is always the exact same finite string of machine code bytes*
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