Re: because g⤨(g⁻¹(x)) = g(y) [1/2] Re: how

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Sujet : Re: because g⤨(g⁻¹(x)) = g(y) [1/2] Re: how
De : james.g.burns (at) *nospam* (Jim Burns)
Groupes : sci.math
Date : 24. Apr 2024, 20:42:20
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/24/2024 12:57 PM, WM wrote:
Le 23/04/2024 à 21:55, Jim Burns a écrit :

Arithmetic of the familiar.
Nevertheless it is wrong because
for every set {1, 2, 3, ..., n} doubling extends the set.
Doubling doesn't extend it to or beyond ω
The arithmetic of ω is not the familiar arithmetic.

All infinitely many natnumbers are finite n.
Each ⟦0,n⦆ is finite.
{n: ⟦0,n⦆ is finite} is infinite.
"Infinite" does not mean "humongous".
"Finite" describes certain ordinals,  and
the familiar arithmetic operates within
what "finite" describes.
ω stands between the finites and the others.
Doubled finite numbers are finite.
Doubled familiar numbers are familiar.
×2: ⟦0,ω⦆ ⟶ ⟦0,ω⦆
"Infinite" does not mean "humongous".

ω+i ⟼ 2⋅i
ω+i is not mapped.
It is mapped in front of your eyes, sic: '⟼'
not your, but
the map which show that ⦅0,ω⋅2⦆ fits ⦅0,ω⦆
You claim that ω+3 = 2*3?
I defined a map for which ω+3 ⟼ 2⋅3
It would explain a lot of your (WM's) posts,
if you don't know what a function/map is,
what familiar addition is,
what familiar multiplication is.
It would also raise the question of
who is responsible for putting you (WM)
in front of a classroom of students.

⟦ω,ω×2⦆ maps to {even<ω}
⟦0,ω⦆ maps to {odd<ω}
⟦0,ω×2⦆ maps to ⟦0,ω⦆
...according to one who thinks
ω+3 ⟼ 2⋅3  means  ω+3 = 2⋅3

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