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Am 03.01.2025 um 02:37 schrieb Chris M. Thomasson:I'm aware of that fact, but WM's "definable" naturals are supposedly a finite subset of the naturals -- which are not an infinite set, which makes either his statement wrong or his notion of growing finite subsets wrong.On 1/2/2025 5:43 AM, FromTheRafters wrote:>WM used his keyboard to write :On 01.01.2025 15:47, FromTheRafters wrote:WM wrote :>The [set] of [...] natural numbers [...] is closed under multiplication. (WM)
For all n,m e IN: n*m e IN.
Mückenheim is the master!
>>How can that be? (From the After)
Well, it's a simple fact which can be proved (based on the Peano Axioms and the definition of * on IN).
Nonsense.A punchline from an old non-joke.
>>Easy, he stood on a chair. (From the After)
He? WM?
>lol! ;^)>
Sorry, but I'm lost.
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