Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.

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Sujet : Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.
De : mlwozniak (at) *nospam* (Maciej Wozniak)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 16. Jan 2025, 20:49:13
Autres entêtes
Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <181b441876ca0965$90955$1329657$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
W dniu 16.01.2025 o 20:29, Paul.B.Andersen pisze:

GR's predictions for the gravitational deflection of EM-radiation
According to your GR shit light [in
vacuum] doesn't deflect and takes always
straight/geodesic paths.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jan 25 * Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.171rhertz
11 Jan 25 +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.163Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.162rhertz
11 Jan 25 i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.161Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.160rhertz
11 Jan 25 i   +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.158J. J. Lodder
12 Jan 25 i    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.157rhertz
12 Jan 25 i     +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Maciej Wozniak
12 Jan 25 i     i`- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
12 Jan 25 i     +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1J. J. Lodder
13 Jan 25 i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.153LaurenceClarkCrossen
13 Jan 25 i      +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.81Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      i+* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.74Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii+* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.6Athel Cornish-Bowden
13 Jan 25 i      iii`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      iii `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4Python
13 Jan 25 i      iii  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      iii   +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
14 Jan 25 i      iii   `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Athel Cornish-Bowden
13 Jan 25 i      ii`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.67Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.66Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.52Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.51Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.50Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.49Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.48Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.47Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.46Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.45Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.44Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.43Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.42Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.41Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.40Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.39Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.38Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i              `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.37Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i               `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.36Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.33Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.32Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.31Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.30Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.29Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.28Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.27Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.26Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.25Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.24Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.23Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.22Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.21Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.20Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.19Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i              `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.18Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i               `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.17Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.16Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                 `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.15Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.14Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.10Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9Maciej Wozniak
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Python
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.6LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5Python
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4LaurenceClarkCrossen
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Richard Hachel
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i   +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i   `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Thomas Heger
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                 `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.13Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.12Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.11Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.10Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.7Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.6Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5Richard Hachel
14 Jan 25 i      ii           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Richard Hachel
14 Jan 25 i      ii             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii              `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      i+* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5LaurenceClarkCrossen
13 Jan 25 i      ii`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii   `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
16 Jan 25 i      i`- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Thomas Heger
13 Jan 25 i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.71Paul.B.Andersen
13 Jan 25 i       +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9J. J. Lodder
14 Jan 25 i       i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Paul.B.Andersen
14 Jan 25 i       i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
15 Jan 25 i       i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1J. J. Lodder
15 Jan 25 i       i +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i       i i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Paul.B.Andersen
17 Jan 25 i       i i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
17 Jan 25 i       i i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
19 Jan 25 i       i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
14 Jan 25 i       +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.12LaurenceClarkCrossen
14 Jan 25 i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.49LaurenceClarkCrossen
15 Jan 25 `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.7Sylvia Else

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