Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.

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Sujet : Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.
De : relativity (at) *nospam* (Paul.B.Andersen)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 14. Jan 2025, 22:39:43
Autres entêtes
Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vm6lel$2jd9o$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
Den 14.01.2025 01:36, skrev LaurenceClarkCrossen:
On Mon, 13 Jan 2025 18:54:29 +0000, Paul.B.Andersen wrote:
GR's prediction for the gravitational deflection of EM-radiation
is so thoroughly experimentally confirmed that you have to be
extremely ignorant not to accept it.

"This is exactly double the value given in 1911, and this doubling
of values has given rise to many speculations, and to many and
varied explanations, on the part of the relativists.
Everybody knows that his 1911 prediction is wrong.
It is in fact the Newtonian prediction.
So what?
It is a fact that experiments have shown that GR correctly
predicts how light is gravitational deflected.

An inspection of the formulas, which Einstein used, shows
exactly what he did and how he derived this result. The essential
factor in the formula is that for the rate of change of velocity
along the wave-front 6c, 6x ; and this is the only factor in which
any change can be made. All the other terms and factors of the
formula are always identically the same." - Poor = "THE RELATIVITY
Why don't you understand that it is hopeless to claim that
the GR equation  Θ = 4GM/Δ⋅c² is wrong?
During the 100+ years since Einstein wrote the GR paper,
the calculation is repeated _many_ times by different physicists.
It is a _fact_ that GR predicts that the gravitational deflection
of light is  Θ = 4GM/Δ⋅c².
GR's prediction for the gravitational deflection of EM-radiation
is so thoroughly experimentally confirmed that you have to be
extremely ignorant not to accept it.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jan 25 * Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.171rhertz
11 Jan 25 +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.163Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.162rhertz
11 Jan 25 i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.161Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.160rhertz
11 Jan 25 i   +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.158J. J. Lodder
12 Jan 25 i    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.157rhertz
12 Jan 25 i     +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Maciej Wozniak
12 Jan 25 i     i`- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
12 Jan 25 i     +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1J. J. Lodder
13 Jan 25 i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.153LaurenceClarkCrossen
13 Jan 25 i      +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.81Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      i+* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.74Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii+* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.6Athel Cornish-Bowden
13 Jan 25 i      iii`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      iii `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4Python
13 Jan 25 i      iii  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      iii   +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
14 Jan 25 i      iii   `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Athel Cornish-Bowden
13 Jan 25 i      ii`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.67Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.66Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.52Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.51Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.50Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.49Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.48Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.47Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.46Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.45Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.44Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.43Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.42Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.41Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.40Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.39Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.38Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i              `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.37Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i               `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.36Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.33Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.32Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.31Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.30Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.29Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.28Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.27Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.26Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.25Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.24Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.23Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.22Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.21Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.20Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.19Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i              `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.18Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i               `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.17Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.16Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                 `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.15Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.14Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.10Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9Maciej Wozniak
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Python
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.6LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5Python
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4LaurenceClarkCrossen
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Richard Hachel
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i   +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i   `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Thomas Heger
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                 `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.13Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.12Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.11Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.10Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.7Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.6Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5Richard Hachel
14 Jan 25 i      ii           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Richard Hachel
14 Jan 25 i      ii             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii              `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      i+* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5LaurenceClarkCrossen
13 Jan 25 i      ii`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii   `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
16 Jan 25 i      i`- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Thomas Heger
13 Jan 25 i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.71Paul.B.Andersen
13 Jan 25 i       +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9J. J. Lodder
14 Jan 25 i       i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Paul.B.Andersen
14 Jan 25 i       i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
15 Jan 25 i       i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1J. J. Lodder
15 Jan 25 i       i +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i       i i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Paul.B.Andersen
17 Jan 25 i       i i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
17 Jan 25 i       i i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
19 Jan 25 i       i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
14 Jan 25 i       +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.12LaurenceClarkCrossen
14 Jan 25 i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.49LaurenceClarkCrossen
15 Jan 25 `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.7Sylvia Else

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