Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating

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Sujet : Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating
De : ross.a.finlayson (at) *nospam* (Ross Finlayson)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 29. Mar 2024, 23:54:54
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On 03/28/2024 09:38 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
On 03/27/2024 11:29 PM, Volney wrote:
On 3/28/2024 2:12 AM, Thomas Heger wrote:
Am 18.03.2024 um 19:20 schrieb Ross Finlayson:
A hypothesis ....
... filling the space that is the agglomeration of what was their jet.
So, are there gravitic singularities in the middle of galaxies?
Maybe not.
Are there gravitic filaments holding it all together?  Maybe not.
My personal view on this problem:
galaxies are not held together by gravity and there is no need for
gravity, because the galaxies are not rotating in their own frame of
It is OUR !!! impression from a remote position, that galaxies rotate.
But seen from a comoving position from within that galaxy, the
galaxies (of course) don't rotate.
Rotation is absolute. If a galaxy is rotating, that it is rotating can
be detected either from within or without the galaxy.
I suppose that's Lambda Cold CDM, about 0.85,
up from 0.5, going up to .9, .95?
Holding it together, the more the sky survey
maps, up to Lambda 1.0?
It's a great explanation because it keeps the data all
added up, but it sort of results a universe full of
stuff that can't be shown to exist, that by definition,
doesn't exist.
It's a great explanation unless you think that it sort
of requires a great new explanation of the great old explanation.
It really doesn't change much at all to make it so that
rotating frames are independent, it doesn't much change
classical mechanics and it doesn't much change relativistic
dynamics, the theories. It can change a lot usual blind
followers mistaken extrapolations, but, considering that
their entire theory is growing to be approximately 100%
"doesn't exist", don't you think it's sort of, un-scientific?
In the old days instead of dark matter we had curved or
warped space-time. Well, the sky survey came up with
that the universe is pretty definitely isotropic, so
what was invented instead of space being warped everywhere,
was a theory of invisible mass, dark matter, an imaginary material.
So anyways these days "it's definitely that the galaxies
aren't flying apart, which without these blind peoples'
extra perceived blindness, would just be a yawning gulf
demanding explanation". Like independent rotating frames.
Pretty much though it starts with that classical mechanics
needs a sort of re-combination, like independent rotating frames.
I.e., classical mechanics much simpler than usual solar
systems and galaxies and other large, though sparse, and
rotating systems, has a thorough under-defined surrounds.
Here is a podcast, I have been talking about the classical mechanics,
and about the underdefined state of classical mechanics, and
getting notions like "classical walk integral" and
"dimensional/dimensionless resonator/alternator",
in a mathematical and dimensional analysis.
Moment and Motion: order and direction
Acceleration, infinity, language of numbers, orders, infinity and the
mind, infinity and infinitesimals, real analytical character and
measure, angle-making and turn-making, rotating frame and rotational
frame, dimensional analysis, g-forces, g's and derivatives, units of
inertia, areal terms and path terms, space-frames and frame-spaces, the
non-linear and the un-linear, dimensional resonator, multi-pole moment,
order and direction, m/s and s/m, dimensionless terms, dimensional
alternator, kinematics, Galileo and Lorentz, path integral and walk
integral, rotation and path-following, operators and quantities, forward
units and turning units, definitions, inertia in motion, linear units,
unit force, quantum amplitudes, Stern-Gerlach, base states and
coordinate settings, quantum momentum, Stern-Gerlach apparatus, spin
one, beam splitting, van de Graaf generator, beam filtering,
polarization and phase, Stern-Gerlach type, improved Stern-Gerlach, wave
guide, cone angle, base state as continuous quantum state, dimensionless
resonator, kinetics and kinematics.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
28 Mar 24 * Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating41Thomas Heger
28 Mar 24 `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating40Volney
29 Mar 24  +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating38Thomas Heger
30 Mar 24  i+* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating35Thomas Heger
30 Mar 24  ii+- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Arindam Banerjee
30 Mar 24  ii`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating33Python
31 Mar 24  ii `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating32Thomas Heger
31 Mar 24  ii  `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating31Mikko
5 Apr 24  ii   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating30Thomas Heger
5 Apr 24  ii    `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating29Mikko
6 Apr 24  ii     +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating3Ross Finlayson
6 Apr 24  ii     i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Ross Finlayson
8 Apr 24  ii     i `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Athel Cornish-Bowden
9 Apr 24  ii     `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating25Thomas Heger
9 Apr 24  ii      +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Maciej Wozniak
9 Apr 24  ii      +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Kareem Pérez Romà
10 Apr 24  ii      `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating22Chris M. Thomasson
10 Apr 24  ii       +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating20Thomas Heger
10 Apr 24  ii       i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating19Python
10 Apr 24  ii       i `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating18J. J. Lodder
11 Apr 24  ii       i  `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating17Thomas Heger
11 Apr 24  ii       i   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating16Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating8Maciej Wozniak
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating7Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating6Maciej Wozniak
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i  `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating5Richard Hachel
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating4Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i    +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Richard Hachel
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i    i`- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Python
12 Apr 24  ii       i    i    `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Maciej Wozniak
12 Apr 24  ii       i    `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating7Thomas Heger
12 Apr 24  ii       i     +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Python
12 Apr 24  ii       i     `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating5Chris M. Thomasson
12 Apr 24  ii       i      +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Chris M. Thomasson
14 Apr 24  ii       i      i`- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Sherman De la cruz
13 Apr 24  ii       i      +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Richard Hachel
13 Apr 24  ii       i      `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Freddie Kalmár
10 Apr 24  ii       `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Chris M. Thomasson
30 Mar 24  i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Volney
31 Mar 24  i `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Leandro Somogyi Lévai
29 Mar 24  `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Ross Finlayson

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