Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating

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Sujet : Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating
De : ttt_heg (at) *nospam* (Thomas Heger)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 10. Apr 2024, 06:00:22
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Am Mittwoch000010, 10.04.2024 um 01:04 schrieb Chris M. Thomasson:
On 4/8/2024 11:47 PM, Thomas Heger wrote:
Am 05.04.2024 um 10:20 schrieb Mikko:
In this case a vortex is actually a structure of significant depth,
where stars are stacked in distance, hence also 'stacked in time' (in
the image).
Why would you want to explain someting that is never seen?
Theoretical physics does not require visibility.
Study of phantasies is not physics of any kind.
Interesting are phenomenons which exist, whether they are visible or not.
They are interesting only if they are observed to exist or there is
a good reason to expect that they can be observed.
E.g. a ship on the other side of the planet cannot be seen from here
or the other side of the Moon.
Both can be seen.
But both do exist.
Visibility, usefulness or other categories of this kind, which reflect
a connection to the observer, are irrelevant in physics.
Everything in physics has a connection to an observer.
This is a totally idiotic requirement.
Many things cannot be seen, even if they are real.
Seeing is limited to light of a very small frequency band, limited to direct visibility and also limited by scale, time of existence and illumination.
We also need somebody to watch.
But many things real do not fall into these categories.
E.g. very short lived particles are very hard to see.
Also invisible are radiowaves, the inside of planet Earth or of black holes.
But would you like to shuffel all things under the rug, which are hard to see?
 Also, perhaps our current state of the art technology wrt observing the universe from our little earth is damn near pre embryonic wrt the grand scheme of things... ;^)
Usual observations from our perspective of the universe would require to remove the effects of the delay, which is caused by the finite speed of light.
But this is not done.
 From this would follow, that we have entirely wrong views about the universe, because far away also means long ago.
Now it doesn't make much sense to assume, that a foreground objects can interact with something in the past, we explore entirely impossible relations, if we try to figure out, how such relations function.
Now this is actually done by cosmologists, if they explore e.g. black holes or gravity between galaxies.
But because it is impossible to remove that distortion caused by the delay, cosmologists do, what they know it is wrong, because otherwise they had nothing to do.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
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5 Apr 24  ii   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating30Thomas Heger
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9 Apr 24  ii     `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating25Thomas Heger
9 Apr 24  ii      +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Maciej Wozniak
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10 Apr 24  ii      `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating22Chris M. Thomasson
10 Apr 24  ii       +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating20Thomas Heger
10 Apr 24  ii       i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating19Python
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11 Apr 24  ii       i  `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating17Thomas Heger
11 Apr 24  ii       i   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating16Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating8Maciej Wozniak
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating7Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating6Maciej Wozniak
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11 Apr 24  ii       i    i   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating4Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i    +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Richard Hachel
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i    i`- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Python
12 Apr 24  ii       i    i    `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Maciej Wozniak
12 Apr 24  ii       i    `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating7Thomas Heger
12 Apr 24  ii       i     +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Python
12 Apr 24  ii       i     `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating5Chris M. Thomasson
12 Apr 24  ii       i      +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Chris M. Thomasson
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10 Apr 24  ii       `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Chris M. Thomasson
30 Mar 24  i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Volney
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29 Mar 24  `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Ross Finlayson

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