Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating

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Sujet : Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating
De : mlwozniak (at) *nospam* (Maciej Wozniak)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 12. Apr 2024, 05:29:37
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17c56dfefc98ad79$6$255119$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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W dniu 11.04.2024 o 23:55, Python pisze:
Le 11/04/2024 à 23:06, Richard Hachel a écrit :
Le 11/04/2024 à 21:03, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
W dniu 11.04.2024 o 19:10, Python pisze:
Don't be jealous, Maciej. You are as stupid as Thomas, even if
a different way.
Oh, stinker Python is opening its muzzle again,
and trying again to pretend he knows something.
Tell me, poor stinker, have you already  learnt
what a function is? Are you still trying
to determine its properties applying a French
definition of a different word?
Can you explain to Python that if he really wanted to understand the theory of relativity, he would start by setting To²=Tr²+Et² for all frames of reference.
And he wouldn't deviate an inch from it.
However, he does not admit this for accelerated frames of reference, and when I write: "If two different observers use an identical path, in identical observable times, their proper times will be identical", he claims that I am sabotaging the very bases of the theory of relativity.
 It is quite obvious because when you talk about "identical paths" you
Oh, stinker Python is opening its muzzle again,
and trying again to pretend he knows something.
Tell me, poor stinker, have you already  learnt
what a function is? Are you still trying
to determine its properties applying a French
definition of a different word?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
28 Mar 24 * Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating41Thomas Heger
28 Mar 24 `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating40Volney
29 Mar 24  +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating38Thomas Heger
30 Mar 24  i+* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating35Thomas Heger
30 Mar 24  ii+- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Arindam Banerjee
30 Mar 24  ii`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating33Python
31 Mar 24  ii `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating32Thomas Heger
31 Mar 24  ii  `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating31Mikko
5 Apr 24  ii   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating30Thomas Heger
5 Apr 24  ii    `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating29Mikko
6 Apr 24  ii     +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating3Ross Finlayson
6 Apr 24  ii     i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Ross Finlayson
8 Apr 24  ii     i `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Athel Cornish-Bowden
9 Apr 24  ii     `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating25Thomas Heger
9 Apr 24  ii      +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Maciej Wozniak
9 Apr 24  ii      +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Kareem Pérez Romà
10 Apr 24  ii      `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating22Chris M. Thomasson
10 Apr 24  ii       +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating20Thomas Heger
10 Apr 24  ii       i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating19Python
10 Apr 24  ii       i `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating18J. J. Lodder
11 Apr 24  ii       i  `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating17Thomas Heger
11 Apr 24  ii       i   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating16Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating8Maciej Wozniak
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating7Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating6Maciej Wozniak
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i  `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating5Richard Hachel
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i   `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating4Python
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i    +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Richard Hachel
11 Apr 24  ii       i    i    i`- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Python
12 Apr 24  ii       i    i    `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Maciej Wozniak
12 Apr 24  ii       i    `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating7Thomas Heger
12 Apr 24  ii       i     +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Python
12 Apr 24  ii       i     `* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating5Chris M. Thomasson
12 Apr 24  ii       i      +* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Chris M. Thomasson
14 Apr 24  ii       i      i`- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Sherman De la cruz
13 Apr 24  ii       i      +- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Richard Hachel
13 Apr 24  ii       i      `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Freddie Kalmár
10 Apr 24  ii       `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Chris M. Thomasson
30 Mar 24  i`* Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating2Volney
31 Mar 24  i `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Leandro Somogyi Lévai
29 Mar 24  `- Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating1Ross Finlayson

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