Re: Bayes in your Luggage

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Sujet : Re: Bayes in your Luggage
De : llisy (at) *nospam* (Royle Lisetta)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity sci.physics sci.math
Suivi-à : sci.physics.relativity sci.physics sci.math
Date : 17. Apr 2024, 15:47:45
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Mild Shock wrote:

You should stop sucking other peoples dick so much.
Its so easy to spot you micro penis:

I almost like the Chinese because they are not jews.

Fearing China has more cards?

Germany has no cards to play. Inflation will crash their economy if they
mess with China just like the US, fact.

what the fuck is doing the Ursula in China with Herr Scholz, she is an EU
bitch, not gearmon.

A few days ago I was chatting to an engineer friend of mine who works for a
very large German company and he told me something interesting about German
companies in China. Much of the patents and IP in German products belongs
to USA so therefore are subject to export restrictions so many German
companies had to go it alone with China local developed technologies immune
from US export restrictions.

 In my view, German leaders are always prone to expand the Lebensraum
eastward, as the French, possibly with US support

Scholz have zero card, let alone a trump card. Scholz have destroyed the
German economy by be a willing puppet of the US. Thats how these fake
politicans who doesn't do public service for its own people. A real leader
looks after its own people first. Of course, US would put pressure and can
put tariffs to German cars, but theres always limits. Sacrificing your
economy for the sake of US threatening to put tariffs is stoopid. US would
lose too. Thats the difference between EU politicians and diplomats against
the likes of Xi, Putin, Wang Yi, Lavrov, ... These politicians look after
its own people .

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Apr 24 * Re: Bayes in your Luggage4Mild Shock
15 Apr 24 `* Re: Bayes in your Luggage3Otte Schoonenburg
15 Apr 24  `* Re: Bayes in your Luggage2Mild Shock
17 Apr 24   `- Re: Bayes in your Luggage1Royle Lisetta

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