Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.

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Sujet : Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.
De : bertietaylor (at) *nospam* (bertietaylor)
Groupes : sci.math sci.physics sci.physics.relativity
Date : 27. Apr 2024, 09:40:00
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Physfitfreak wrote:

On 4/26/24 00:41, bertietaylor wrote:
Penisnino's Law: Smaller the penis, greater the pee.
In other words, the pretentious mediocrities with zero creativity are horrendously jealous of those with creative powers, and they show their unhappiness by hurling abuse, at their politest. (When not polite they gang up and become killers. Examples abound, from Brutus to Chapman.). That works at the national and tribal levels as well.
We doggies deplore such peculiar treachery. Can't understand it. Peculiar characteristic of the drynoses.

Hehe :) Penis? Penis is something "Pennino"s of this land of the brave look up to and never reach, so they just become their groupies.
Wogs ain't us? Or is it just the incompetence of the person under scrutiny?

They invest decades of their lives in that too, cause penis is good for them.
Indeed. Sour grapes, you mean?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 Apr 24 * Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.43Arindam Banerjee
25 Apr 24 +* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.2Jim Pennino
25 Apr 24 i`- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1bertietaylor
25 Apr 24 `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.40Arindam Banerjee
25 Apr 24  +* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.26Jim Pennino
25 Apr 24  i`* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.25Obed Erdélyi
25 Apr 24  i +- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Jim Pennino
25 Apr 24  i `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.23Ross Finlayson
26 Apr 24  i  +* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.21Arindam Banerjee
26 Apr 24  i  i`* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.20Jim Pennino
26 Apr 24  i  i `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.19bertietaylor
26 Apr 24  i  i  +* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.9Jim Pennino
26 Apr 24  i  i  i+- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Jesee Takenouchi
27 Apr 24  i  i  i`* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.7Athel Cornish-Bowden
28 Apr 24  i  i  i +- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1bertietaylor
28 Apr 24  i  i  i `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.5Volney
28 Apr 24  i  i  i  +- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1bertietaylor
28 Apr 24  i  i  i  +* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.2Minamoto Sakakibara
28 Apr 24  i  i  i  i`- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Jim Pennino
29 Apr 24  i  i  i  `- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Justus Bakó Sárosi
27 Apr 24  i  i  `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.9Physfitfreak
27 Apr 24  i  i   +* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.7Jim Pennino
27 Apr 24  i  i   i`* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.6Ross Finlayson
27 Apr 24  i  i   i +- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Athel Cornish-Bowden
27 Apr 24  i  i   i `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.4Arindam Banerjee
27 Apr 24  i  i   i  `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.3Jim Pennino
28 Apr 24  i  i   i   `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.2bertietaylor
28 Apr 24  i  i   i    `- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Jim Pennino
27 Apr 24  i  i   `- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1bertietaylor
26 Apr 24  i  `- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Bognár Zachariah Pálinkás
25 Apr 24  `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.13Ross Finlayson
28 Apr 24   `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.12bertietaylor
28 Apr 24    `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.11Jim Pennino
28 Apr 24     +- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Ross Finlayson
29 Apr 24     `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.9bertietaylor
29 Apr 24      `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.8Jim Pennino
29 Apr 24       +* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.4bertietaylor
29 Apr 24       i+* Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.2Arindam Banerjee
29 Apr 24       ii`- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Jim Pennino
29 Apr 24       i`- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1Jim Pennino
1 May 24       `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.3bertietaylor
2 May 24        `* Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.2Jim Pennino
2 May 24         `- Re: Arindam's cyberdogs know better physics than the Nobel prizewinners.1bertietaylor

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