Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.

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Sujet : Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.
De : relativity (at) *nospam* (Paul.B.Andersen)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 14. Jan 2025, 13:22:05
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vm5kp2$2derv$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Den 13.01.2025 21:05, skrev J. J. Lodder:
Paul.B.Andersen <> wrote:
Den 13.01.2025 06:07, skrev LaurenceClarkCrossen:
And Einstein used a refraction formula to double the deflection=
"photographic plates?
I interpreted this as that Einstein somehow had "fixed"
the predictions of GR to be in accordance with measurements
shown on some photographic plates.
In other words, LaurenceClarkCrossen claim that Einstein
knew what the GR prediction should be to be in accordance
with measurements.

How ridiculous! :-D
Einstein calculated the GR prediction 1.7" in 1916,
before any measurements of the deflection was made.
At the top of page 69:
   "We examine the curvature undergone by a ray of light passing
    by a mass M at the distance ?."
The calculation is shown on page 69 and the result is given
at the bottom of the page:
   "According to this, a ray of light going past the sun undergoes
    a deflexion of 1.7"."
So in 1916 nobody, including Einstein, knew what the correct
value was, because no measurements were ever made.
Here I meant "correct" as "in accordance with measurements".

 But it is a matter of record that Hilbert complimented Einstein
on the rapidity and cleverness with which he had derived
the correct value for the deflection of starlight
from the equations of general relativity.
(if only I could calculate like you...)
Hilbert certainly did not see any error in it or he would have said so.
Not surprising of course, because there isnt any.
I expressed myself a bit clumsy.
Of course Einstein gave the correct GR prediction.
But nobody had at the time made any measurements,
so nobody knew if the predictions of GR would be in accordance
with measurements.
Point being that  LaurenceClarkCrossen's claim that Einstein
had "cooked" the GR prediction is nonsense.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jan 25 * Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.171rhertz
11 Jan 25 +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.163Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.162rhertz
11 Jan 25 i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.161Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.160rhertz
11 Jan 25 i   +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
11 Jan 25 i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.158J. J. Lodder
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12 Jan 25 i     i`- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
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13 Jan 25 i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.153LaurenceClarkCrossen
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13 Jan 25 i      ii  +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.52Maciej Wozniak
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13 Jan 25 i      ii  i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.50Maciej Wozniak
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13 Jan 25 i      ii  i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.48Maciej Wozniak
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13 Jan 25 i      ii  i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.46Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii  i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.45Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.44Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.43Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.42Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.41Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.40Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.39Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.38Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i              `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.37Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i               `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.36Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.33Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.32Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.31Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.30Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.29Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.28Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.27Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.26Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.25Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.24Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.23Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.22Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.21Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.20Maciej Wozniak
14 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.19Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i              `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.18Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i               `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.17Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.16Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                 `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.15Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.14Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Maciej Wozniak
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.10Python
15 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9Maciej Wozniak
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Python
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.6LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5Python
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4LaurenceClarkCrossen
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Richard Hachel
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i   +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
18 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      i   `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                i                      `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Maciej Wozniak
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Thomas Heger
16 Jan 25 i      ii  i                 `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.13Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii   `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.12Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii    `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.11Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii     `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.10Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii        `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.7Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii         `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.6Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii          `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5Richard Hachel
14 Jan 25 i      ii           `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii            `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Richard Hachel
14 Jan 25 i      ii             `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Python
14 Jan 25 i      ii              `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      i+* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.5LaurenceClarkCrossen
13 Jan 25 i      ii`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4Richard Hachel
13 Jan 25 i      ii `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Python
13 Jan 25 i      ii  `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.2Maciej Wozniak
13 Jan 25 i      ii   `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Python
16 Jan 25 i      i`- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Thomas Heger
13 Jan 25 i      `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.71Paul.B.Andersen
13 Jan 25 i       +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.9J. J. Lodder
14 Jan 25 i       i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.8Paul.B.Andersen
14 Jan 25 i       i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1Richard Hachel
15 Jan 25 i       i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1J. J. Lodder
15 Jan 25 i       i +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.4LaurenceClarkCrossen
16 Jan 25 i       i i`* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.3Paul.B.Andersen
17 Jan 25 i       i i +- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
17 Jan 25 i       i i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
19 Jan 25 i       i `- Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.1LaurenceClarkCrossen
14 Jan 25 i       +* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.12LaurenceClarkCrossen
14 Jan 25 i       `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.49LaurenceClarkCrossen
15 Jan 25 `* Re: Newton: Photon falling from h meters increase its energy.7Sylvia Else

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