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The Starmaker wrote:Yes Pentacleboy. You call yourself something like>You were not "overqualified", were thrown out of skool with a Phd.
George Hammond wrote:>>
On 1/11/2025 3:37 PM, The Starmaker wrote:George Hammond wrote:.>
E T E R N A L ----- L I F E-
I S A T I M E (D- I -L -A -T -I- O- N)
N O T A T I M E (D- U- R- A- T -I -O -N)
.(STARMAKER)[George Hammond] MS Physics
Coming from a guy who graduated from Physics skool and automaticall got
a ten year degree in...homeleness!
a lot of good your phd did...
it is the road of all physics phds.
Hey Starmaker--- you missed the fact that I built a 40
foot 2 masted concrete (Ferrocement) Schooner and sailed
all over the Caribbean and E. US for 10 years--- living
on a 40 foot yacht for 10 years with my Mexican girlfriend
was not exactly what you call "homeless" !
"40 foot yacht"???? Don't you mean 40 years living in homeless shelters?
Mr. George, I can only go by what You say...and here is what you said:
"[George E Hammond MS physics]
Huh ! So that's it? After I got my degrees in physics I could never get a job, they kept telling me I was "overqualified", so
I spent 40 years living in homeless shelters on welfare and on the streets searching for the world's first scientific proof of God.
Guess what, I actually found it !
... I wonder what happened to Jesus ? He must've gotten a PhD !
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