Re: The Shit is predicting no light deflection

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Sujet : Re: The Shit is predicting no light deflection
De : r.hachel (at) *nospam* (Richard Hachel)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 17. Jan 2025, 11:42:43
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Organisation : Nemoweb
Message-ID : <Lq657L_XxYmf_W7_mWVYGE4QL-M@jntp>
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Le 17/01/2025 à 09:56, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
That's right: according to The Shit
light paths in vacuuum are always
straight/geodesic lines.
 Why do you think gravitational
lensing is non-euclidean and
ordinary lensing is not? You
have no clue, sure, but it's
simple: in gravitational lensing
paths of light are (or at least
your idiot  guru is asserting they
are) straight/geodesic lines. If
they are  curved - gravitational
lensing is no more non-euclidean
than ordinary lensing.
 So - how did it come that all the
relativistic idiots have agreed
on light deflection, against the
assertions of their insane guru?
 Poincare has been partially explaining
that, but you're too stupid for
Poincare's. Full explaination would
be totally uncomprehendable
for you.
We must not confuse criticism of the theory of general relativity with criticism of special relativity, just as we must not confuse criticism of special relativity with rejection of special relativity.
It is not always easy to show where each is.
Example Maciej: where is he in this diagram?
It would seem that he is Newtonian, not Poincareist, not Einsteinian.
Example: Paul B. Andersen: it seems that he is non-Newtonian, Poincareist and Einsteinian.
Example Dr. Hachel: Non-Newtonian, Poincareist, Non-Einsteinian, non-Minkoskian.
Not easy to find your way around all this.
Date Sujet#  Auteur
17 Jan 25 * The Shit is predicting no light deflection2Maciej Wozniak
17 Jan 25 `- Re: The Shit is predicting no light deflection1Richard Hachel

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