Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?

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Sujet : Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?
De : miller (at) *nospam* (Frank Miller)
Groupes :
Date : 12. Mar 2024, 03:59:33
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Organisation : Tschorkauer Zwetschgen-Pressen-Museum
Message-ID : <>
References : 1
User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.7.2
HenHanna wrote:
in TB and NovaBBS,   is there anything like  Killfile  (functionality) ?

Create an address book named "Trolls" and add addresses like "HenHanna@devnull.tb"
or "".
Create a filter for your news server in TB which says:
From: is in my address book "trolls"
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Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Mar 24 * in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?6HenHanna
12 Mar 24 +* Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?3knuttle
12 Mar 24 i+- Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?1candycanearter07
12 Mar 24 i`- Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?1Andy Burns
12 Mar 24 `* Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?2Frank Miller
12 Mar 24  `- Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?1Jörg Lorenz

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