Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?

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Sujet : Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?
De : candycanearter07 (at) *nospam* candycanearter07.nomail.afraid (candycanearter07)
Groupes :
Date : 12. Mar 2024, 05:04:19
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Organisation : the-candyden-of-code
Message-ID : <usok83$3k1j$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
knuttle <> wrote at 02:11 this Tuesday (GMT):
On 03/11/2024 9:39 PM, HenHanna wrote:
in TB and NovaBBS,   is there anything like  Killfile  (functionality) ?
In TB there is a function that you can filter the incoming messages to a
given set of parameters.  See Tools> Message filters
They can be set to run manually or getting new mail.  There are many
options to chose from.
Unfortunately the filter has to be set for each folder.   Which can be a
good or bad thing depending on what the filter is doing.

You can set it for the entire account but it is kinda hidden (in the
list where you select which ng to apply it too, theres an option at the
top for the entire acct)
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Mar 24 * in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?6HenHanna
12 Mar 24 +* Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?3knuttle
12 Mar 24 i+- Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?1candycanearter07
12 Mar 24 i`- Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?1Andy Burns
12 Mar 24 `* Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?2Frank Miller
12 Mar 24  `- Re: in TB and NovaBBS, is there anything like Killfile?1Jörg Lorenz

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