Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts

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Sujet : Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts
De : retroguy (at) *nospam* (Retro Guy)
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Date : 04. May 2024, 00:19:30
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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References : 1 2
User-Agent : Sylpheed 3.8.0beta1 (GTK+ 2.24.33; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
On Fri, 3 May 2024 14:51:08 -0700
Retro Guy <> wrote:

On Fri, 3 May 2024 20:16:16 +0000
HenHanna <HenHanna@dev.null> wrote:
For 4 or 5 hours ,  novaBBS  has  not been getting   new posts
            -------  which might be pretty common ,   but new to me.
It's strange. Articles are (were) not going out, but coming in ok.
The issue is with the inn2 servers, not the website. The site sends to, which then peers with two inn2 servers that each have a pathway
to peer with outside servers. Both of those servers were not sending
articles out, and I don't know why.
I have one working now, so the spooled articles should have been sent, or
will send soon, but still working to get the other one working.
I don't know why both would fail at once, but always think of what you might
have changed:
A few hours ago I modified the dns spf records for both the servers, but I don't
see how that would cause a problem.
Also, peering is communicated via internal ip addresses at the provider I use. That
"might" explain an issue, since peering from outside servers continued to work.
Ok, now both seem to be working properly, but I really would like to figure out
what happened. I did the standard, "hey, let's try a reboot", and that worked for
both. For now, anyway.

I find that ipv6 connections are failing. Swiched all the connections between servers
to ipv4 and the disconnected errors have stopped in news.notice. Let's see what happens now,
I'd like to have dinner :)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
3 May 24 * For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts10HenHanna
3 May 24 +* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2Retro Guy
4 May 24 i`- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy
4 May 24 `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts7HenHanna
4 May 24  `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts6Retro Guy
5 May 24   +* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2HenHanna
5 May 24   i`- [Rocksolid Light] Quoting (was: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts)1Michael Bäuerle
5 May 24   +- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy
5 May 24   `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2Retro Guy
5 May 24    `- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy

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