[Rocksolid Light] Quoting (was: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts)

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Sujet : [Rocksolid Light] Quoting (was: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts)
De : michael.baeuerle (at) *nospam* gmx.net (Michael Bäuerle)
Groupes : news.software.readers
Date : 05. May 2024, 17:27:48
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Message-ID : <AABmN7OEK5AAACGd.A3.flnews@WStation7.micha.freeshell.org>
References : 1 2 3 4
User-Agent : flnews/1.3.0pre1 (for GNU/Linux)
HenHanna wrote:
Retro Guy wrote:
I'm hoping it's working now. It appears to have been a networking issue
This was at the end of the former line. The quote depth was wrong.
The quoted article was in fixed format, therefore the whole rewrap
operation was wrong.

my provider. Over the last several hours, articles from yesterday and
recently have been streaming in, and outgoing is working.
I'll keep monitoring. I hope it keeps working, but that's not usually how
things go.
No line break was added here, but the quote depth was wrong too.

Is this a bug in "Rocksolid Light"?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
3 May 24 * For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts10HenHanna
3 May 24 +* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2Retro Guy
4 May 24 i`- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy
4 May 24 `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts7HenHanna
4 May 24  `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts6Retro Guy
5 May 24   +* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2HenHanna
5 May 24   i`- [Rocksolid Light] Quoting (was: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts)1Michael Bäuerle
5 May 24   +- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy
5 May 24   `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2Retro Guy
5 May 24    `- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy

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