Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts

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Sujet : Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts
De : retroguy (at) *nospam* (Retro Guy)
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Date : 05. May 2024, 18:02:08
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Organisation : Rocksolid Light
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References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : Rocksolid Light
Retro Guy wrote:

On Sat, 4 May 2024 01:39:06 +0000, HenHanna wrote:

HenHanna wrote:
For 4 or 5 hours ,  novaBBS  has  not been getting   new posts
            -------  which might be pretty common ,   but new to me.

   The problem went away for a few hours,  and now it's  back

I'm hoping it's working now. It appears to have been a networking issue
my provider. Over the last several hours, articles from yesterday and
recently have been streaming in, and outgoing is working.

I'll keep monitoring. I hope it keeps working, but that's not usually
things go.

Thanks for notifying me of the issue!
Here's a reply using Rocksolid Light of the article HenHanna replied to.
I'm using the quote button on RSLight.
Let's see if it quotes properly.
Retro Guy

Date Sujet#  Auteur
3 May 24 * For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts10HenHanna
3 May 24 +* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2Retro Guy
4 May 24 i`- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy
4 May 24 `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts7HenHanna
4 May 24  `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts6Retro Guy
5 May 24   +* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2HenHanna
5 May 24   i`- [Rocksolid Light] Quoting (was: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts)1Michael Bäuerle
5 May 24   +- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy
5 May 24   `* Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts2Retro Guy
5 May 24    `- Re: For 4 or 5 hours , novaBBS has not been getting new posts1Retro Guy

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