Re: 40tude Ddialog - sent messages

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Sujet : Re: 40tude Ddialog - sent messages
De : Mickey8080 (at) *nospam* gmail.invalid (Mickey)
Groupes :
Date : 08. May 2024, 18:34:33
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1gd39$3cjj$>
References : 1 2
Michael Thompson wrote:

You just need to find the posted messages on the newsgroup to save them.

The posts in my Sent folder go back much further than my news servers
retention period.  Need to archive posts going back to 2010.  Suppose
I could hunt them down individually by Message-ID on howardknight, but
'twould be less time consuming to save them out of my Sent folder.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 May 24 * 40tude Ddialog - sent messages5Mickey
8 May 24 `* Re: 40tude Ddialog - sent messages4Michael Thompson
8 May 24  `* Re: 40tude Ddialog - sent messages3Mickey
8 May 24   `* Re: 40tude Ddialog - sent messages2Bernd Rose
8 May 24    `- Re: 40tude Ddialog - sent messages1Mickey

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