On Sat, 26 Oct 2024 20:20:50 +0000, Paul.B.Andersen wrote:
Den 25.10.2024 20:41, skrev rhertz:
In ALL THESE CASES, and even today, the total calculation is based on
the influence of every planet on the precession of Mercury BY USING
KEEP THIS IN MIND: To calculate the gravitational influence of every
planet (and other celestial bodies) over Mercury for the lapse of 100
years IS IMPOSSIBLE EVEN TODAY, with help of supercomputers. This would
require hundred of millions of calculations to be performed, slicing the
100 years in FRACTIONS of the orbital period of the fastest planet
You don't need a supercomputer to make hundreds of millions of
I have simulated the solar system for 10 thousand years,
and simulated the perihelion advance for all the planets.
It's done in 15 hours on my computer.
Hundreds of millions calculations is a GROSS underestimation!
At every step, a calculation of the perturbations of one planet over
each other HAS TO BE COMPUTED. Then, step by step, such result HAS TO BE
APPLIED as the input of the next step in parametric calculations. No
analytical expression can be written to contemplate this N-Body problem,
and the only way is to compute each influence step by step in a
supercomputer, which lead to almost infinite calculations for the 100
years period.
See equations (11) to (20)
This calculation is done every 5. second true time.
That's 61.5 billion times to simulate 10 thousand years.
And this is not the calculation that costs most calculations.
To determine the point of perihelion, the distance planet-sun
has to be compared to the previous distance to find the minimum.
This has to be done for _all_ the planets.
My computer can make 150 billion flops/second.
So in 15 hours it can make 8100 terra flops.
You have to update you knowledge of what a modern computer,
which is NOT a supercomputer, can do!
Pathetic, Paul. Really pathetic.
But what to expect from a narcissist idiot like you?
You are IGNORANT, imbecile, deceiver, vain and arrogant IDIOT!
1) Your stupid, childish paper "Simulation of the solar system according
to GR", which you posted last year, is based on ISOLATED parameters for
Keplerian orbits and State Vectors (xyz position and velocity of
planets), which is available FOR FREE at the site of NASA JPL Horizon.
It only contemplates orbital parameters of each planet, DISMISSING the
influence of the other planets on the target planet. Any HS kid could
have done such a paper, and probably better, looking LESS IDIOTIC.
Here, go to gather more reliable data, imbecile. They resolve orbits of
planets, moon, comets and asteroids with less than 1 second resolution,
and over hundred of years. You can download Megabytes of data there:
https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/2) You are completely IGNORANT of the tiny effects of the remaining
planets over Mercury's precession, which REQUIRES the impossible
solution of the 8-Body problem (even more with pseudo-planets). This
problem, I repeat, has no analytical solution and ONLY BY NUMERICAL
CALCULATIONS (which are recursive, due to the influence of one planet
over others) it could be APPROXIMATED.
To do such parametric calculations, the orbit of planets has to be
decomposed IN TEMPORAL SEGMENTS based on the Period of Mercury, over 100
years or more. Being the period of Mercury 87.97 days, units of temporal
calculations should be about 1 hour, during which Mercury moved 170,000
Km on his perimeter.
This represents 876,172 complex calculations upon Mercury over 100
years. Each calculation has to include first order (decoupled) and
second order calculations from the other 8 planets, including Pluto.
Each complex calculation involves 266,391,926 calculations, giving the
huge number of 233,405,146,750,829 parametric calculations over 100
3) But such large number IS NOT ENOUGH. It only contemplates the
position and velocity (xyz state vectors) for Mercury's orbit over 100
years. NOW, it's necessary to contemplate the EFFECTS OVER PRECESSION.
Additional calculations, based on LRL (Laplace–Runge–Lenz) vector, have
to be applied to each instance, driving the number of total calculations
to ABSURDLY HUGE numbers.
Now, try to do the above with your fucking PC.
And more yet: LRL vector utilization is based on a CONTINUOUS FLOW OF
TIME, as it's based on the N-Body problem. This raise the number higher.
Learn something here, brute animal:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace%E2%80%93Runge%E2%80%93Lenz_vectorhttps://www.atlantis-press.com/article/637.pdfhttps://www.cds.caltech.edu/~marsden/wiki/uploads/projects/geomech/Alemicds205final.pdf3) Regarding your own supercomputer of 150 GFlops/sec, I recommend
posting it in the site 500.org, because it's a beast.
It doubles the advertised power of Intel Core i7. But of course that you
When multiplications and divisions are measured, the number of GFlops
drop 100 times. PLUS: to compute a formula, each operation with
variables has to be included so, for something so simple as Newton's law
of gravitation, the number of GFlops drop to MFlops, having you to
include the single line of code.
But you probably got a PC with Intel Core i9, in the range of TFlops.
Good luck with your electricity bill, as it get very, very hot. Later,
the uP cracks down.
I was going to attach some figures about the use of LRL in the
precession of Mercury, but you don't worth the effort.
You are a delusional, irrecoverable relativist who have no limits to
defend yourself by using DECEPTIVE INFORMATION. You even MANUFACTURE IT,
pretentious charlatan!
You never explained WHY do you sustain a website with your name, full of
published papers (I hope you have the CR authorizations), PLUS some
stupid papers of your own, which are A PLAGIARISM from other sources,
Is that you are a fucking vain, narcissist elder? Do you need that so
Keep laughing, imbecile + ignorant + relativist (I don't know which name
is worse).
The use of Gauss' gravity torus IS A VERY GROSS CALCULATION: It consists
in replacing the hundred of millions of calculations per planet
(ignoring influence of the other planets) by a gravitational torus,
which is based in the replacement of orbits by A SINGLE TORUS, which
contemplate the gravitational influence as a replacement of punctual
orbital positions by a single torus along the orbit. It's about
replacing the Newton law of gravity (applied at each position of a
planet) by a SOLID TORUS with the equivalence of mass of the planet
SPREAD ALL OVER the orbit of it.
But it works quite well.