Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light

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Sujet : Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light
De : ross.a.finlayson (at) *nospam* (Ross Finlayson)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 19. Nov 2024, 14:47:08
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On 11/19/2024 12:41 AM, J. J. Lodder wrote:
Mikko <> wrote:
On 2024-11-17 19:03:25 +0000, J. J. Lodder said:
Mikko <> wrote:
On 2024-11-15 21:52:05 +0000, LaurenceClarkCrossen said:
Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of
Is one tenth of c close? At that speed time dilation is easy to observe.
Time dilation is observed at the speed of an aeroplane.
Oscillators currently studied in laboratories will in near future permit
the detection of time dilation at walking speed.
Amost  there:
0.3 meter of altitude is equivalent to about 9 km/h in speed.
More than walking, but already less than running,
Gravitational effect has already been demonstrated on smaller altitude
Yes, that has been mentioned here several times already.
But that is inside one, not for an entire clock.
However, Experiments with moving things are harder. All moving parts
tend to generate noise. Clocks are easiest to compare when stationary
side by side but then at least one of them must be accerated between
the comparisons and one must ensure that the acceleration does not
affect the clocks rhythm.
Has also been done already, with a van-mounted strontium clock.
They don't talk about the Lorentz factors involved in driving the car,
but they must have compensated for them to get the gravity measurements
One of the things the nutters here tend to forget
is that physicsts are not working all the time
to 'prove relativity right'.
Relativity is standard 'unproblematic background knowledge'.
It will be demonstated explicitly only when some parameter
can be pushed back by another decade.
They are out to do more interesting things.
Standard relativistic corrections are applied as a matter of course,
when and where needed,
The vis-viva is a really old theory that since Lagrange
and the fluid models and energy conservation, which is great,
that being since mechanical reduction was reduced to the
statistical ensemble after a stack of Hooke, Clausius,
Boltzmann, and a bit of Kelvin, for Boyle or gas law
thusly "2'nd" law, thermo, while the inertial and
momental lost any notion of "active" force at all,
and force was given as a quantity and not itself
derivative and a function of time, has it that:
in the classical, relativity only says it's whatever's
built the classical, the mechanics, in the limit,
which, according to thusly Galileo and Newton's
rest/rest motion/motion equal/opposite f=ma g=mm/r^2,
is entirely missing the Mertonian school, quite
thoroughly notions of meeting and parting and
stopping and starting, and otherwise makes for
inserting "zero-eth" laws about orbits and
meeting and parting and stopping and starting,
AND using relativistic derivations like Einstein's
second mass-energy equivalency in the classical,
and introducing "heft", makes for the entire idea
of "momentum" instead of "inertia" and "energy",
thusly, conserved, obsolete.
Though, correct in some simple cases.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Nov 24 * Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light37LaurenceClarkCrossen
15 Nov 24 +* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light3gharnagel
16 Nov 24 i`* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light2LaurenceClarkCrossen
17 Nov 24 i `- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1gharnagel
16 Nov 24 +* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light11J. J. Lodder
16 Nov 24 i+- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Maciej Wozniak
16 Nov 24 i+* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light2LaurenceClarkCrossen
18 Nov 24 ii`- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1J. J. Lodder
16 Nov 24 i`* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light7LaurenceClarkCrossen
17 Nov 24 i +* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light3Mikko
17 Nov 24 i i`* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light2LaurenceClarkCrossen
18 Nov 24 i i `- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Mikko
17 Nov 24 i `* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light3J. J. Lodder
17 Nov 24 i  `* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light2LaurenceClarkCrossen
17 Nov 24 i   `- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1J. J. Lodder
17 Nov 24 `* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light22Mikko
17 Nov 24  +- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Maciej Wozniak
17 Nov 24  +* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light11J. J. Lodder
17 Nov 24  i+* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light4ProkaryoticCaspaseHomolog
17 Nov 24  ii+- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Ross Finlayson
17 Nov 24  ii+- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1J. J. Lodder
17 Nov 24  ii`- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Maciej Wozniak
17 Nov 24  i+- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Ross Finlayson
18 Nov 24  i`* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light5Mikko
19 Nov 24  i `* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light4J. J. Lodder
19 Nov 24  i  +- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Maciej Wozniak
19 Nov 24  i  `* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light2Ross Finlayson
19 Nov 24  i   `- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Ross Finlayson
17 Nov 24  +* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light5LaurenceClarkCrossen
18 Nov 24  i`* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light4Mikko
18 Nov 24  i `* Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light3J. J. Lodder
18 Nov 24  i  +- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Ross Finlayson
18 Nov 24  i  `- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Maciej Wozniak
17 Nov 24  +- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1LaurenceClarkCrossen
17 Nov 24  +- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1LaurenceClarkCrossen
17 Nov 24  +- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1LaurenceClarkCrossen
18 Nov 24  `- Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light1Thomas Heger

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