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W dniu 15.12.2024 o 20:40, Python pisze:Evading, snipping, whining again?Le 15/12/2024 à 20:29, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :Don't give a damn to his point.
..His point was to prove that such a procedure exists.>It is not, of course. It's fibre, the speed of a>
signal in fibre is much lesser than c and - well
- obviously depending on the speed of the fibre.
Just one of the differences.
The procedure only requires a signal with a constant speed
No. Procedure directly specifies - light in
vacuum. It's related with that "constant light
speed in vacuum" idiocy.
His procedure is about that "constant lightIt is an experimental fact. Definitely not a "idiocy".
speed in vacuum" idiocy.
So, So, still convinced Gdańsk and warsaw areI tend to ignore "calculations" made by raving imbeciles.
in relative rest? Simply ignoring the calculation
of velocities?
From a fanatic idiot.Nice signature!
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