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On 9/5/2024 4:14 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:Oh? "Ken: 2 + 2 = 4".On 09/05/2024 12:57 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:>On 09/03/2024 01:50 PM, Jim Burns wrote:>>[...][...]
Back in the 80's and 90's
it was Nelson's Internal Set Theory
where it was figured that
the avenue toward true non-standard real analysis
was to result.
This "true non-standard real analysis" must concern
something other than
the Dedekind.complete ordered field.
not-a-real-functions with real analytical character,
like Dirac's delta function or
here for example
the Natural/Unit Equivalency Function,
it is expected that
"foundations" _does_ formalize them, and that
what doesn't, simply, isn't,
You (RF) may be tired of nuance by now,
I think we need to distinguish between
what _simply_ isn't and
what _a specific foundation_ won't say is.
Consider Boolos's ST as a toy foundation.
⎛ ∃{}
⎜ ∃z = x∪{y}
⎝ extensionality
ST supports the existence of each finite ordinal
via a finite not.first.false claim.sequence.
ST does not support the existence of
a set of all finite ordinals.
At least, I don't see how it could.
ST doesn't support its non.existence, either.
At least, I don't see how it could.
An ordinal which has itself as an element
simply isn't.
That depends pretty much completely on
_what ordinal are_ well.ordered.
Getting around that prohibition would
require ordinals which were something else.
But that's not actually getting around it.
That's only playing a game similar to
"if we rename 2 as 3, then 1+1=3"
>Then this "infinite middle" is just about>
the simplest "non-Archimedean" that there is,
and in fact even simpler, than for example
axiomatizing "0" and "omega"
"omega" must be
something other than
the first transfinite ordinal.
>axiomatizing "0" and "omega">
with an infinite-middle pretty much
exactly like ZF does,
except symmmetric about the middle
instead of non-inductive yet declared fiat
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