Re: Space and spacetime

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Sujet : Re: Space and spacetime
De : hitlong (at) *nospam* (gharnagel)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity
Date : 20. Jun 2024, 14:45:18
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Maciej Wozniak wrote:
W dniu 20.06.2024 o 14:26, gharnagel pisze:
Maciej Wozniak wrote:
W dniu 20.06.2024 o 00:09, gharnagel pisze:
Wozzie posts nothing but repetitions and lies.
He claims to be an information whatsit, claims science is
information, then denies a major part of science.
See, trash - I've proven the idiocies
of your insane guru to be not even consistent,
 Just more repetitions and lies.  That's all Wozzie has.  Why
doesn't he post his "proof" of give a link to it?
Just more repetitions and lies.  That's all Harrie has.
Posted the proof dosens of times here and will post
it many times more, be sure, trash.
Wozzie is delusional, pretending he has posted "proofs" when
he has done nothing of the sort.  His t' = t nonsense is not
proof of anything except that he is dishonest.

and you can do nothing about it apart of
barking, lying and slandering.
 Says the repetitious barker, liar and slanderer :-)
Wozzie agrees that he is a barker, liar and slanderer since he
hasn't denied it.

But you'll do what you can for your moronic church -
that's what it trains its doggies for, after all.
 I can actually "prove" that the LT is correct in its domain
of applicability based on actual [gasp!] information.

I'm sure you can prove LT are correct where they
are correct; evan such an idiot should be able to
manage such a task.
Have nothing against Lorentz and his transformations,
They demonstrate that t' <> t, which explodes Wozzie's "proof."
So he has just admitted that he lied.

And - neither your absurd Shit nor even
whole of your moronic physics is a "major
part of science".
Sorry, trash.
 And all Wozzie has is profanity, lying and slander.  And
inconsistency:  He says physics is information

I do. Even such a piece of lying shit as you
are can't lie always, of course.
All Wozzie has is excrement. lying and denigration.

I do and it is.
Only partly.  A whole body of information.

Samely as whole science is.
That's where Wozzie goes off the rails.  He ignores the
most important part.

And thus, none of your noble specializations could
mark you as an  invincible expert about it.
You've just self-appointed yourself for that,
as expected from a DK idiot.
Pot, kettle black :-)

and then denies the information of physics.

Of course. What is inconsistent in denying
some information concocted by some religious
Wozzie makes a biased judgment on the source of the
information rather than the information itself.
He says he has no problem with the LT, so does he
accept that c + v = c? limit u' (as u > c) = (u + v)/(1 + uv/c^2) = c

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12 Jan 25 o 

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